
this episode kind of killed a lot of the "how the white walkers / others started" theories. or did it?

"…and it seems like this may have been a case where the studio overruled his vision."
is this punny or no?

Went to the premiere. Got the poster. Bought the t shirt. Buying the soundtrack. Going tomorrow.

That's going to be a sick joke, when everyone has spent the last 3 years mocking this thing, and it ends up being great.

Detective Lance more like Detective Prance off the show…

When Roy left: "I understand the severity of everything that's going on now! Thea will now establish that nickname of "Speedy" and take on that role on team Arrow! Cool, another female in a hero role in a TV show! A female taking a traditionally male role in its comic universe seems like a fun idea! Way to go guys."

Okay, okay, fine. You know what though? This is great news for red heads.

Money on that guy from Harry Potter with the red hair playing the bad guy.