
I can’t be the only one who believes “bababooey” guy needs to be launched into the sun.

No, true patriots fly 5,000 square foot flags 24-7 at their gas stations or car lots. Rain or shine, until they get tattered by the wind.

who do you think make up all those legacy students?

... what?

Would you call someone born and raised in Kenya, African-American? Probs not my man.

Yao is Chinese. He’s not Asian-American.

Here’s a Porsche/VW 914 with 2JZ internals.

Stranger Things have been said

Kind of an extreme way to make the move to skeleton

Can’t wait to hear the punishment from Roger G’dell

That Mazda cap is cool as hell.

Wow, what an unfortunate name for a video game.

he’s a Trump supporter who donated to his campaign (something half the contry did)...

aren’t you probably an idiot?

I think you’re confusing the issue, first of all, I said nothing about silicon valley. Didn’t refer to it, talk about it, commend it or otherwise. You seem to be replying to a non-existent comment you’ve made up in your head. Secondly, I also don’t give even half a shit what you have to say moving forward, so, thanks

Did you not RTFA? He *did* buy a seat on that flight. He just put a different kid in it.

+1 leopard seal

Finally, somebody said it. Nobody cares about your struggles. Maybe don’t live in the antarctic.