Maybe, but still too close for comfort.
Mostly agreed, though I guess if they tired to use the legacy to accomplish some good in the world, I won't complain
No, they just shit on her for going to college
I think it's a pretty fair reaction. I would have called it warranted if someone on a network threw shade at Malia and got suspended, it's best if we make sure to draw a firm line here.
Out of curiosity, do you sincerely think the Klan voted Democratic last November, and are you willing to wager money (paid out as a donation to the charity of your choice) on the matter?
Yeah, I would say any attempt to score points on the Obama children is disgusting, and the same rule should apply here, even though the Obamas are by all accounts wonderful people, and the Trump kids are *redacted*
Well this seems like a horrifying conversational turn.
"There's a snake in my unf"
Many of us, however, are standing for Godfrey Gao.
The flavor was tricky, not without its appeals, but the texture, my god, no thank you
I'm a white dude, married a Chinese woman. I haven't noticed anything unusual from people, though I'm an oblivious one, so that might not mean anything.
Oh phoo, it put Brent Spiner in a weirdly prominent role, that's definitely worth a hundred and fifty million dollars
"Apple sauce"
I can't speak for anyone else, but my wife and I argue about all kinds of stuff that isn't objective right or wrong, even though each of us feels like it is (or ought to be).
I don't disagree entirely, but I think sometimes you do need to be willing to let the battle go. Like, if something is actually important to you, then stand by it, absolutely. But if it's piddly shit, you sometimes need to give it up, if for nothing other than your blood pressure.
Sweet Christmas, what a treasure of a human being
God she was just such a… I don't even have the words for her. She was a Person in a way that very few people seem to be, alive and rare. Thanks, Ms Fisher, just for being yourself, flaws and all.