Le Comte de Brûleur

Concrete, significant changes in your lifestyle can result in that kind of dramatic weight loss, even without the fancy daily one-on-one coaching. I remember reading a similar story about a morbidly obese man, whose doctor managed to get him to lose 100 lbs in a year or something like that, I forget the exact details.

I was searching for an ‘f’ on Splinter too, as a lark, and sure enough couldn’t find one there either.


I thought about that. The ruling class has done a good job of sating the people with Bread and Games, but what happens when China takes away the game from the reported 800 million Chinese basketball fans?

Helmut Schmidt > Helmut Kohl

Yep. If someone incompetently careens a bus into a ravine killing a bunch of passengers, we don’t shrug and accept he was a dumbass who couldn’t do better, we hold him responsible for not fulfilling his duties to a minimum standard.

Everyone else is doing a pretty good job of setting you straight, but I’ll bring this up: there is no ‘far-left’ in U.S. political discourse. When you use the words ‘far-left’ as a mirror-image righteous cancellation of the sins of the far-right groups that support the current administration, you facilitate the Fox

Dear [candidate name],

A great demonstration for us of the difference between journalism and history. Two hundred years from now, when we’re reading the digital textbooks, there will be one line about how China took back the territory that was stolen from them by gunboats in the 1800s and had turned into a lawless cesspool of depravity when

Yeah, no, sorry, I understand, we’d love to have you, thank you for your interest, but we’re full right now, we’re not taking anyone else aboard. Maybe next year we’ll have some attrition, we’ll need some new faces, but not right now.

For anyone who lived through the handover of Hong Kong the colony from Great Britain to mainland China in 1997, it’s almost impossible to be ignorant of those issues. Anyone who became aware of the world around them, who started ‘following the news’ after that, it would be easy to not know anything about the history

With our ‘wisdom of the crowd’, we can nitpick each other back onto the right track.

You might have a point if the Pats winning percentage against all the other divisions wasn’t as equally dominant.

You wouldn’t be in this existential crisis if your parents had named you ButchWoolfolk.

As a Gen X’er, I can assure you that ‘1982's Tron’ is real.

You asked this question:

Network exec: [fires John Larroquette]