Jesus Fuck is Stan Kroenke ever the devil...
Jesus Fuck is Stan Kroenke ever the devil...
...Bunch of jerks...
Yeah, I wish everyone would just chill and Roll With It.
...believing the black certified public account was an intruder.
I’m not sure that two sentences qualifies as a “long way”. I’ll accept that it’s not quippy, I fail at that very often. I’ll agree that it’s a bit of a reach, that it wasn’t ‘right there’.
Vaping is a ridiculous affectation, completely self-imposed, yet vapers act like they’re being persecuted for their intrinsic selves, rather than their disgusting idiotic habit. “But it’s not even smoke...”, they all try to condescend to you, as they attempt to warp the world to their own reality, one bus ride at a…
Never mind what song was playing you insensitive bastards, that dude looks genuinely hurt. I just hope he recovered and isn’t so shaken up he can’t find his way home.
No, Gabe...
It would be reckless to suggest that the Skins are in the process of doing to Gruden what they did to former GM Scot McCloughan in the form of finding some reason to fire him with cause and not pay him anymore
Uh, sorry, we’re not accepting applications right now, maybe next year. I’ll let you know.
I understand being thrifty by necessity, I understand looking for a great deal (“My brother in law works for Sysco/is a commercial fisherman/reps for Molson”), but saving a couple of bucks on average steaks, especially for your brother’s stag, should be an indictable offence.
I’ll choose Bud over someone’s homebrew every single time. I won’t be wrong very often.
Yeah, reasonable arguments to make, and sorry to hear you had a negative experience. I guess as soon as something like a paddle comes in, the notion of abuse enters, instead of it being a challenge, instead of it being a series of obstacles to overcome.
You know, that’s a pretty good standard to measure yourself against. The initiation I went through, there certainly is a secrecy component, but it’s ultimately to not ruin a couple surprises, not something that would alarm the public or involve the authorities.
It’s a chicken and the egg thing, but the last time I bought SI was an impulse buy at the checkout at the grocery store. My decision was based on two cover stories that seemed interesting, but it was pamphlet-thin for a crazy $5.95 or something, and it had changed so much since the last time I picked it up that I did…
My family lived in Africa in the 70s, and newspapers came to us by container ship. So a fresh issue of the IHT, or Le Monde, usually brought by someone who had just flown in, was a godsend and a joy, to supplement what you learned on Radio-Canada International on a scratchy shortwave. Le Comte only spoke ‘la langue de…
Sofa king jealous... We had our subscriptions at roughly the same time, mine went 1982-1990, and I read episodically before and after that until the mag turned into a pamphlet filled with USA Today factoids instead of long pieces.
I’m happy to read you can maintain your tradition. I was disappointed that we couldn’t, but now fully understand why and support it. There are other ways to welcome new members and to build a team.
The White House and the complicit, ‘Be Best’ First Lady.