
I’ve just invented staying home, which has the same effect and costs nothing. We’re also targeting the “I want to go camping but not really” market

You can create speaker groups in Google Home and cast to those groups in YTM. I have all our Home/Nest speakers across the house organized into individual groups and as one large group.

They used this one:

Do you have any conception about how much fuel it takes to launch a rocket relative to, say, flying a whole crew to remote locations around the world for a typical blockbuster? Do you imagine Tom Cruise is going to be raiding the pantry of the astronauts already up there? Do you think there is a limited supply of

Toddler can still close it (and pinch fingers). Or find some other way to hurt or nearly kill themselves. Toddlers are exceptionally good at finding failure points.

Yeah, you hear a lot about streamers wanting “the next Game of Thrones,” but what they really mean when they say that is literally “the next Game of Thrones.” And Wheel of Time ain’t it. Neither are most of the other big fantasy series that debuted in the ‘80s and most of the ‘90s. They’re essentially YA novels

Well it’s Sci-Fi but do you know about the Bobiverse?

“I have asked that this adjustment be made. I am not scheduled to take the vaccine, but look forward to doing so at the appropriate time. Thank you!”

But what if there’s a crisis? What if there’s a national emergency and everyone in the White House is laid up with the ‘rona?

Exactly, like I said, he’s a cunt.

Well what do you say?