
I'm in the U.K. This still has the unpleasant whiff of money about it.

Your First Look At Armored Core VI In Action, A Mech Game By Elden Ring Devs

Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti- wtf are these names

This isn’t related to the main troubling point of the article and I know that the internet is filled with dumb things, but that feminity praise tweet from Poliwar is so stupid that I can’t stop lauhing about it. Like if I read a parody account stating something like, I would shrug it off trying too hard. That is art.

I thought the show was OK, it just felt incredibly rushed. It didn’t need to be just 4 episodes, they could’ve easily stretched this out to a proper full season and avoided the horrendously fast pacing. The pacing felt like season 7-8 of Game of Thrones on steroids.

I liked it.  

I’ve never played the game so I’m excited to experience the story for the first time. This has a demographic and while I think there’s an impetus to make it good for people who have played the game and adapt that story, it is also a medium to get the story out to people who haven’t played it.

Listen, you shouldn’t have improvised a small bit of flavor text that now they think is a clue to a massive treasure hoard even though they’re 1st level.

First thought I had when I saw the article title: “oh hey it’s that game Dan talked about.”

Did anybody else find that Steph disappeared from their recommended an awful lot after revealing their true identity? Same for philosophy tube. Can’t tell if the algorithm thinks I’m some scumbag or it’s the real scumbag. I rectified the issue some months back and subscribed, but oh lordy I wish I could group

My go-to word is ADIEU just to get most of the vowels in or out.

it’s worth it. this isn’t just any other YouTube video. this is a very well researched documentary. Dan Olson doesn’t pull his punches or do anything half way.

Let’s all say it together, folks:

This video is GOLD. Awesomely explained. And nobody is dumb for not understanding how the architecture of this works, because IT’S extremely complex and abstract.

I had to double check the date of the article, I thought I was reading something old