Bruce the funny dog

Use ALT+248 for the degree sign (30°)

And it will be very...

Yes, but it’s maple syrup instead of coconut oil.

This. My father (from whom I am estranged) is an anti-vaxxer because he says he poured over all of the (bogus) “science” of it. He’s very well-read on pure bullshit.

I mean, I fully support this, but good god is it fodder for the “reeducation” conspiracy theorists out there.

‘Surprise!’ I yelled. ‘Gender is a kind of imitation for which there is no original; in fact, it is a kind of imitation that produces the very notion of the original as an effect and consequence of the imitation itself!’ Cuteness overload.”

That’s a disarmingly good analogy.

I really wish we could separate the issue of GMOs and Monsanto. Because 1 is fine, but fuck Monsanto. It’d be like arguing the internet sucks because Time Warner Cable sucks.

I appreciate things like GMOs, vaccines, and the word “chemicals” for helping me remember that people on my side of the political spectrum can ALSO be fucking idiots.

All screw drivers can detect lives wires, users are alerted by the severe burning and instant death.

All screw drivers can detect lives wires, users are alerted by the severe burning and instant death.

This has a lot of merit coming from the guy that uses the current year as a logical fallacy...

Let’s be fair. They get most news wrong in general.

...Filtering out cereal dust? That is an offense against man alongside scraping the glaze off the donut. The last bowl of cereal, packed with sweetened dust that just dissolves into the milk, is the best thing.

ANYONE! My sister accompanied my 60+ year-old parents on their first flight about 10 years ago, and she asked for wings from the attendant, who cheerfully gave them, along with a CERTIFICATE (“suitable for framing”)! The attendant got a chuckle because it was such an odd request.

Seth Woken


As long as the Democrats quibble over issues and not VD, I’m fine with a prolonged fight. Now that we have a Trumpian on the GOP side, both Hillary and Bernie need to hone some skills.

There’s a potential racing series there.

Considering that “There’ll never be a n***er SAE/you can hang him from a tree, but he’ll never sign with me” was being sung at SAE’s national meeting within the past two years (where the idiot from Oklahoma learned it), I think it’s probably safe to say that the slogan I mentioned is still being recited with pride

Fraternities and sororities are stupid, stupid, stupid. Yes I’m sure you were in a great sorority that did a lot of charity work or whatever, it doesn’t change the fact that they are exclusionary and have no place on modern day university campuses.