Bruce the funny dog


is the issue the subject matter of Alzheimer’s or that it’s based on Ronald Regan? I think the premise has much less to do with laughing at a terrible disease than framing it as a satire of how easy it is to manipulate the American people.

I’ve read the script and saw the live reading. It in no way makes fun of Reagan or dementia, but does posit that his vile administration took advantage of him when he was vulnerable to do the Iran contra shit. Reagan is portrayed in a pretty dignified manner. I hope Davis read it before commenting, but it sounds like

But the subject of any artistic product is no measure by which to judge the product itself. We have to wait to see how it’s done before we can judge, no?

Ronald Reagan’s entire presidential run was basically Weekend at Bernie’s. I say have at it.

What, I haven’t said anything in a while!

A) European commute times are irrelevant to American commuters

That mask passes the mustard.

still not working

Did you just “lemonade” someone?

No, a half-marathon is NOT “more than four times longer than” a 5K. It is more than four times AS LONG AS a 5K. In order for it to be four times longer than a 5K, it would need to be the length of one 5K plus an additional four times the length of one 5K, in other words 1x5K+4x5K, or 25K total, which it isn’t.

What’s the “J.E.” for?

marathon truthers

Oh man, seven whole years! FCC, you’re totally cracking down on them, aren’t ya?

Yeah my Dad’s retirement townhouse has an HOA like that. He always has to run home from his lakehouse to make sure his grass is mowed before it gets a centimeter above the limit :D (and he has busybodies that MEASURE THE LAWN in his HOA). He’s about ready to sell and just live at the lake at this point!

I’m not trying to be flip here, but you’re paying almost $500 a year for insurance on something that would cost you $400 to replace. And some years, you pay that $500 for nothing. Wouldn’t it be better to put that in the bank and at least get a teeny tiny amount of interest rather than pay a company who may or may not

Except for the 325 page HOA document we looked through when we found the house we really wanted. Can’t park in your driveway, can’t paint your house unless the color is approved, can’t plant flowers not on this list, can’t plant any trees, can’t have a real fireplace unless you store the wood in the garage you have

Viper is a nick-name. Fighting Falcon is the one given to it. Some pilots were just battlestar Galactica fans.

If this was Russia, they would have dropped this unguided pod into a civilian area and killed 27 people.