
You guys are too hung up on styling features that aren’t really important. At least to me. My second gen Escape 2.5 L was lacking the power I wanted. It really needed a 2 speed transfer case. My third gen Escape 2.0 L Ecoboost can run circles around the older Escapes and so will the new Bronco Sports.

Everyone hates these style Mustangs so I’ll give it a little love. NP!

After 50 years of growing veggies I pretty much know how much to plant. I share with my friends and we eat all the rest fresh most seasons. If we have too much we freeze them for soup or sauce.

When I turned 16 in the mid 1960s I was fortunate to get to take my Jeep on weekend outing with the legendary Hemet Jeep Club. The first thing the elders taught me was to tread lightly. That is never going to happen with any of these giant rigs. Let’s face it, many people buy these huge POS trucks as just another way

Vanagons are uber popular in Portland where this is. They will probably get their price. Even down here around Sacramento Vanagons go for crazy prices. I would put the money towards a cleaner lower mileage pop top Westy.

I drove Volvos all through the 1970s with the last one being a new 244 in 1979. They never let me down and this wagon has a few miles left in it. Cool old car, but $6,000 is kind of high.

Here in Northern California gas prices inch up a cent or two every day.

I will never get in a stinking Tesla. There are much, much better EVs out there. People that want self driving cars should be banned from the highways.

This was a great car, but way too many miles now. ND

I know high mileage. I don’t care it is still a Ford truck in pretty good condition. I would try to get it for less then asking price, but to me this is a NP

Even without the junk title I will never ever get into a stinking Tesla. I won’t support one of the worlds biggest assholes. 

This seller has had one too many bong hits. Seriously?

Never ever buy any kind of Fiat.

Florida has turned into a total cesspool thanks to the GOP. I’ll never go there again.

For years I made good side money flipping E30s. I’m sure at least 3 dozen came and went. Fun to drive and easy to work on. I have never understood the Baur conversions? Downright stupid idea to me, they bring big bucks on BaT. ND

I have never watched any type of fighting and don’t care to watch this. But, I really do hope they kill each other.


BMW has built some of the best looking cars on the road also. I tend to think about those and ignore the ones I don’t like. 

During the 1970's my ex and I drove Volvos and there were normally two of them in our garage. Along with a Bronco and F-150. We really liked Volvos. This one is not something I would own. It’s a multi-door with an automatic. ND

Rust on these and Vanagons is common. Rust never sleeps.