I have the time, money, and floor space for another project. Clean car. I’d do it.
I have the time, money, and floor space for another project. Clean car. I’d do it.
Way too long to be a practical RV. It won’t fit in many campgrounds.
10 former owners? Run away from it.
Looks and sounds good. Top down and driving away in it.
I get it. Go Westy is the go to place for Vanagons. But many of their parts I would never buy and they are all on this bus. My next door neighbor has driven VW buses since the 1960s. He’s had 5 or 6 Vanagons and Westys since I have lived here so I keep up on them via what he does. This Vanagon will sell at or close to…
$8,400 is just way, way too much money.
Nice job for a student. In California you keep a running list in the back of your mind as to where every golf course is. There are lots of them.
I didn’t need to crash cars to figure out there is no god.
Why? Just why?
$13,000? Well, no. Maybe $1,300. Maybe...... The engine compartment looks like there was an atomic blast in there.
I’ll take it if the rest of the car checks out. I’m sure the trans problem is more than a sensor, but other wise seems to be a solid Volvo wagon. It’s from Washington state where Volvo wagons rule and I do wonder why they didn’t sell it there though? Other wise clean car for $3,000.
I got to pass. Old British cars are just not my cup of tea.
No, this X5 isn’t for me. Been there, done that. Too big and too red. Did I mention way too much money also? ND
No. Totally boring car. Probably very over-priced also.
A Woman I dated in 1980 had a Peugeot Diesel. When it died she upgraded to a Fiat.
I love old Rangers and owned one myself but not a 4 cylinder auto trans. Sorry, this is an over-priced slug that I would never have.
No thanks. Maybe $8,000/9,000. ND
I know it’s cheap, but it’s an old British car. I don’t want it.
Yes! I love this little car. I hope the top works.
This is an SUV = Sport “Utility” Vehicle and I have had many. I haul shit with them and tow car trailers with them. They are work vehicles that also haul other folks. This is not a job for an older Porsche or even the X5M a friend was selling. Those SUV jobs are best left to a Ford for me. You can’t beat a Ford truck.