Bruce LaPangolin

“Boss, I want to take a sabbatical!”
“Your people sure do have a lot of holidays!”

I guess I don’t really see how things being expanded later on in other series really “redeems” the flawed original. Like it’s entirely possible for one thing to better than another without the other thing really affecting the other’s quality. I get this in the sense that the prequels and its off-shoots more or less

Because fans have forgotten the narrative truth that the unexplained creates imaginative magic.

I’m surprised to find out Red Auerbach didn’t get a significant amount of votes for mayor. Boston loved them some Red, and frankly the coach didn’t matter to the fans during that time because it was still Red running the show.

This has to be the kindest correction I’ve seen, and I appreciate it. Thanks!

by Miles David Moore

This is sort of why I can’t believe cancel culture is real...I mean what Miller did with that 12 year old is really egregious. At the end of the day when powerful people choose rally around someone they can push back against any public outrage. Any person that has been supposedly cancelled probably was doing things

Exactly. By no means did I expect everyone to love it, but this was precisely my reaction to the majority of the complaints I heard. “Have you not been paying attention? How else did you think this was gonna go down?”

I always assumed the negative reaction came from lapsed/casual viewers who tuned in expecting a clean and neat 90 minute wrap-up that would bullet point each and every one of the mysteries that they’d tied themselves up in knots over. If you really stuck with the show for 120 episodes and weren’t on board with the weir

since when are Canadians known for their angry volatility?

The above poster was referring to Roberta, who was indeed the FF’s humanoid (from the waist up) secretary in the 70s/80s.

The blue-haired lawyer saying “dinner dog” is etched on my brain.

I agree with Barr with respect to Ebert’s writing and loved reading him up until his death. However, he had weird blind spots or gaps in either knowledge or imagination when it came to some films, like your Predator example.

Ebert as a TV “thumbs up/thumbs down” guy maybe wasn’t that great and I often disagreed with him (but not as much as with Siskel who comically hated nearly every genre movie but loved even the most pretentious art film). But Ebert’s written reviews (for which he rightfully won a Pulitzer) were excellent and still

I don’t know what that means, if anything, but I maintain my stance that some of these stories only work if you have the movie actors involved.

you could say the same about Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru” but nobody calls Lucas on it.
Death of a supporting character is a perfectly fine motivation, narratively speaking

There is just something wrong about the host of Jeopardy being the type of  celebrity who is obsessed with sharing their hot takes with the world when the only thing it accomplishes is making people respect you less.  

I’d say a fitting punishment would be forcing Mike Richards to manage the Mets.

Also: I loves me some MCU, but I’m getting a little flummoxed by the near-constant shifting of the narrative goalposts. I get that having a whole bunch of “escape routes” is great for maintaining the coherence of a shared universe, but since Captain Marvel, we’ve seen shapeshifting Skrulls, time-travel based