Bruce Job, Internet!

Outside the jungle's on fire in a real death waltz
Between flesh and what’s fantasy
and the mathematicians down here
Don’t do nothing at all, they just stand back and let it all be
And in the quick of the night they reach for their moment
And try to make an honest stand but they wind up wounded, not even dead
Tonight in

I had a friend was a big child star actor
In a show all about high school
He could throw those ratings past yours
Make you look like a fool,
Saw him the other night at this TV Fest
I was doing interviews, he was walking by
He looked into my camera, took a deep breath
And said "All you keep talking about
Is Wonder Years;

She asked if I remembered the levels we beat
When Sega was young and bold
She said last night she played those levels again
And they made her feel one hundred years old

I wrote this one about my wife Patti, who's really great even though she can't sing worth a damn. Don't tell her I said that if you see her.

It takes a redheaded woman to get a dirty job done.
Tight skirt, strawberry hair
Tell me what you've got, baby, waiting under there
Big green eyes that look like, son
They can see every cheap thing that you ever done
Well I don't know how many girls you've dated, man
But you ain't lived til you've had your tires rotated
By a

Spread out now Doogie, doctor come cut loose his doctor’s reins
You know playin’ blind man’s bluff is a little baby’s game

I’m driving a stolen car
Down on San Andreas Avenue
Each night I wait to get caught
But I never do

Hey if my buddy Bono can get the time of MLK's assassination wrong I think I'm ok not knowing where Nashville is.

Back in '72 John Hammond got me this audition with the folks at Columbia and they hooked me up with my very first record deal, so I'm pretty mad to hear about some of this. These are the kinds of stories I wrote the songs on the Nebraska album to talk about. I might have to let Tom Morello loose on these guys, he'll

I know a pretty little place in Southern Tennessee down Central Nashville way
There’s a little studio where they sing a capella all night and day
You can hear them in the back room hummin’
So hold tight baby `cause don’t you know Weird Al's comin’

Now there’s nothin’ left but some food for the garbage pails
That is, nothin’ left that you could sell
Just junk all across the horizon, a real Great Job, Internet farewell

Well my daddy come on the Stark works
When he come home from world war two
Now the yards just scrap and rubble
He said, “Them S.H.I.E.L.D. boys did what Hitler couldn’t do”
These mills they built the Iron Men
That won this country's wars

Youtube's filled with soul crusaders.
They’re soppin’ ‘n’ boppin’ ‘n’ moppin’ with Little Melvin and the Invaders
Matt Bray's on the dance floor doin’ his stuff
Youtube guy's dancin’ doin’ the continental strut
Sent from above
So young and in love

When I die I don't want no part of heaven
I would not do heaven's work well
I pray the devil comes and takes me
To play the fiery ukuleles of hell

Now Lars said
"Ma, wherever there's a cop beating a guy
Wherever a hungry newborn baby cries
Where there's a fight against the blood
And hatred in the air,
Look for me, ma, I'll be there.
Wherever's somebody's fighting for a place to stand
Or a decent job or a helping
Wherever somebody's struggling to be free
Look in their

I’m the same old story same old act
One step up and two steps back
It’s the same thing night on night
Who’s wrong, which muppet is right
Another mash-up and I slam the door on
Another battle in our dirty little war

Now all those shots that seemed so important
Well mister they vanish right into the air
I just act like I don't remember
Arnold acts like he don't care
But I remember us building sets to look like Mars
Three breasted aliens to sit in titty bars

Profiteers on Jhames Street sold your shoes and clothes
Ain't nobody talkin' because everybody knows
We pulled your chopper up back the garage and polished up the chrome
Our gypsy biker coming home

Lonely-hearted Arnolds
Struggle in dark corners
Desperate as the fight moves on
Just one look
And a one liner, and they're gone