
Been stationed there and unfortunately among all the service branches the culture of the Marine Corps tends to be the least, shall we say, progressive? The Commandant of the Marine Corps (Conway) was the most vocal opponent of the repeal of DADT and open integration of gay service members, right now their brass are

Damn, sup young bibi? You wanna steal some land and kill thousands of innocent people? IN BED? Purrrrr.

Agreed. It’s gotten ridiculous. To quote someone I know on tumblr when discussing women bashing other women for liking popular or feminine things:

Oh, so victims are never allowed to party or wear fishnet stockings for the rest of their lives. Makes sense.

TL:DR Alcohol is bad, please stop cancelling our gigs.

I read it more as a professional and ego thing.

So, she totally rebuffed his flirting and he’s taking his hurt fee-fees to the media, right?

From people I have actually heard of:

Gotta love that the U.S. provides military aid to Bahrain while pretending to give a shit about democracy, freedom, and human rights.

That’s true, but the way I am is certainly seen as a challenging woman mostly because of my rigidity. How can I take stands that most men won’t find attractive and NOT bend them to make room for Man Opinions?! Because that’s the way you get a man.
I would never mock someone for being helpful, and I’m usually the first

I have become (and I’m super proud of it) more difficult with age. I will not compromise my intelligence, dedication to feminism, the word feminism or any of the various aspects or myself not seen as “feminine” in order to find a man who will care about me. If I have to wait, so be it.

alternatively, are you blind to the criticism that Sander’s receives for being the wild eyed unkempt socialist? Any day one can see a litany of things Sanders NEEDs to be doing. he NEEDS to bring the tone down, he NEEDS to be more conciliatory. Everyone gets “needed” by people in the media. It’s only the Clinton folks

What does Sanders do for fun?

my life is pretty easy at the moment, but i appreciate your sympathies nonetheless. again this post is a limited criticism of brooks’s column itself, which does not mention anything about clinton’s record, and merely says she needs to open up and be warmer, and i personally find that remarkable

So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email

That’s so dope of her!

As someone not Jewish, I didn’t feel comfortable saying if something seemed ok to me. I always err on the side of: is it the Holocaust? No? Then don’t compare it to the Holocaust. But of course I respect your feelings on this.

I don’t think it was in bad taste at all and I lost quite a few family members to the Holocaust. A lot of Jews hear the same rhetoric from Trump that our forebears heard from Hitler and it scares the shit out of us.

Oh, didn’t you know? As soon as you say you’ve been raped veryone starts throwing money at you and praising you - not dragging your name and reputation through the mud, examining every tiny move you’ve ever made, and calling you a lying slut. I don’t know what alternative world he’s living in, but I’d really like to

Always useful when a predator reveals his criteria for potential victims (women with “lifestyles,” meaning they’re black or poor). He’s too much of an ignorant, spoiled little shit to see how obvious his guilt is to everyone else.