This is terrible and dangerous advice. There is no way that buying furniture with credit card debt in any way could ever put you financially ahead.
This is terrible and dangerous advice. There is no way that buying furniture with credit card debt in any way could ever put you financially ahead.
I can do a lot of illegal things with a car, but none of them are the dealers concern. Not to mention it should not be illegal to sell your vehicle for export in the first place, especially since the whole deal here seems to be protectionism of MB’s profits. If someone is willing to pay big bucks for a MB but cannot…
Why do you feel sorry for the dealership? They were allegedly assholes to this customer and the will lose future business because of it.
This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.
This sounds like a coverup to me. I assume what actually happened is that she unhinged her jaw, stretched her mouth open to the size of a manhole cover, and then seized these staffers with her tentacles, shoving their bodies whole into her gaping maw, later regurgitating their bones and clothes in compact pellets.
Actually you bring up a very good point. Search the Leaf forums. Nissan dealers are universally reviled as being completely ignorant of the Leaf, reluctant to sell it, and often times actively attempt to steer sales to other cars.
Factually incorrect. If you mean ultrahigh REPAIR you may have a point. And that will improve. It has to. EVs have massively fewer moving or lubricated parts. MAINTENANCE on the other hand is virtually zero.
Yes. This was before I met my wife. Otherwise, I would have told her leave the dealership. I heard this story from her as we were dating. She went in asking specifically for AWD because she used to live in upstate NY where she drove in snow and the salesperson talked her out of it and gave her that nonsense.
here’s the thing- I’m pretty sure most if not all automakers would like to be able to sell cars direct to consumers too. I think the only reason they’ve publicly come out against Tesla is more of a “we’re stuck using independent dealers, why should you get an exception?”
Counterpoint: The BMW salesperson told my wife back in 2010 that the 3 series was front wheel drive. He also said all cars are FWD nowadays and that which wheels driving the car was inconsequential. He also said AWD is superfluous. Then he proceeded to sell my wife the clearcoat package, extended service warranty,…
I can’t find the interview, but Mr. Pang was quoted as saying he doesn’t understand any English whatsoever, so he had no idea what the all English system warnings, user agreements, or commands to retake control of the vehicle meant, so he ignored them. Trying to use an autopilot system in an unfamiliar area, at night,…
Well, this is unfortunate. Jennifer Murphy, a beauty queen and former contestant on The Apprentice, made a godawful…
I woke up and read this story on CNN. It left me teary and angry. A young woman with opinions murdered by her own brother just for being a young woman with opinions. The waste, the loss... it’s hard to process. How does a society hope to thrive if it threatens half its members with murderous violence for the crime of…
Hopefully this will send independents and bernie supporters over to Hillary.
Whilst Trump is hammering on about minorities, immigrant and undocumented groups, Pence is shoring up the other side of that hateful coin. People mustn't forget that the drive to restrict a woman's right to choose originated with the desire to see segregation extended to religious schools. People of colour and…
If Obama is heading a race war, given how civil it’s been and with extremely few deaths, he’s extremely shitty at it. It’s almost as bad as how half-assed he’s been at taking everyone’s guns.
1. What about black Jews? Cough. Yeah.
Eh, we jews don’t want any part of this. We’re capable of filing our own lawsuits if we really feel like it...
I’ve been saying that for months, plus sexist as it may be Hillary has a likability problem and Al Franken is one of the most likeable people on the planet AND Minnesota has a dem governor to appoint his replacement unlike Mass
I like supermodern houses, personally. Like glass and concrete boxes floating in the air and stuff like that.