
By all means, let’s apply the current car laws to guns! This sounds like an excellent idea!

It’s not a joke. Our Twitter replies are full of gun nuts demanding to know when Obama will force background checks on cars.

They often don’t, but a lot of times you find that when countries that get the chance to choose after dictatorships...end up up falling right back in with them (Russia, for example). There is a variety of reasons this happens, but sometimes it’s because it creates a more stable country and they like it better that

I’m going to assume he is telling the truth that the Trump thing was a joke, since he clearly didn’t work his way up from anything but the penthouse.

However, this: “...I don’t think we should go around the world and impose democracy on everybody. Some people just aren’t made for democracy. Some people just need a

I wish I could be, but I at least know that I’ve never recklessly put other people’s lives at risk for cheap self-gratification.

I actually expect everyone who gets on the road behind a vehicle that can kill multiple people to act responsibly.

The things that I’ve done in my life have come nowhere close to being as reckless and stupid as these guys were in two minutes. At no point in my life have I done something that has endangered others or myself to this degree. As a person, I’m boring as fuck, I don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t do drugs. I follow the

So the 21-year old with a 5-year old was being irresponsible? Get out of town.

Happy to provide sources:

And innocent people are sentenced to death on an all too frequent basis.

Yep. Don’t get me wrong I can empathize with his relatives desire for revenge but that really isn’t (or shouldn’t be) the basis for a criminal justice system.

Exactly. To me, the main result of the execution will be to cause her children yet more pain. It solves nothing.

And, the death penalty neither deters criminals nor lowers crime rates, so....

She isn’t a victim, she’s a criminal who took her husband’s life. She should be in prison where she can’t hurt other people.

How does killing her bring him back or change that?

I think it’s possible, but if he bought it from a dispensary in Colorado, I’m sure the chance of it containing synthetic marijuana is nil.

I guess I just don’t understand why these people can’t be held accountable for their lies. I mean, Fiorina is straight up slandering Planned Parenthood and nothing is going to be done to stop her or make her walk it back.

Not several, two! It’s not a big difficult number…

Unfortunately, the way this case is being handled makes it look like sex trafficking is a workers are legitimate business human beings.