I expected to see David Tracy shopping for a new project at the docks
I expected to see David Tracy shopping for a new project at the docks
Though I know what “antepenultimate” means, I do believe that in my 42 years this is the first time I’ve ever seen it used journalistically. I’m not sure if I should be impressed, or think you pretentious...
Used to see a lot of that. Assuming they were also used here, the 4" x 10" speakers GM was notorious for using on the rear deck in that era were terrible and aftermarket replacements weren’t much better.
Great, thanks Drew Barrymore, for helping to reinforce everyone’s incorrect assumption that SSRIs “numb” you and actually make you unaware of reality. If she actually took Lexapro, there’s no way she’d describe it that way. And now there’s even more people I’m gonna have to convince that just because I’m on an SSRI…
Perfect actress:
Not a movie, but loved it every Sat. morning. “Wacky Races”
Do the elevated decimal points bother the fuck out of anyone else?
Alastair looked out the window as the Sikorsky banked to the south, affording him a last glance at his Jaguar abandoned on the glistening Pendine Sands. It gleamed in the dawn light, an icon of purpose and luxury, crouched and ready but...
Anyone sufficiently good at sports to win multiple championships and set records usually is kind of a dick.
“My City Is Upset And Told Me To Get Rid Of My 4,000 Hyundais In 2 Weeks!”
The extremely hot summers and cold winters this year will definitely negate anything we try
Flat spin can still be deadly. Just ask Meg Ryan.
And they had time to make dinner plans before the car stopped moving.
Bricks are multi-taskers. They’re not just for the kitchen. I keep one on my desk at work. Circumstances there frequently require banging my head against a brick wall. My desk brick is a productivity tool. It’s right there, so I don’t have to get up from my desk and walk to the nearest brick wall to accomplish that…
I’ll admit, a part of me feels a bit of unwholesome satisfaction to hear that a German judge ruled that the Tesla…
By italicizing your puns, you’ve gone beyond #dadjokes into #grandpajokes territory.