Bruce from Missouri

Wings got a bad rap from all the Lennon partisans out there. John spent half the 1970's sneering at Paul,and creating a "Dunning School" of Beatles history, so it is just accepted fact among a surprising amount of people that John was the true talent in the band and that Paul was nothing without him.

Wow, that wig that Tat wore as Alison has to be the worst she's ever worn on this show.

Not only that, but Derf makes the point several times that if just ONE adult had ever paid attention to Dahmer's problems instead of ignoring him, he could have been stopped before he started.

I don't see how they can continue…I think most fans would consider either Chester or Mike to be irreplaceable to their sound. Their interplay is what made them what they were.

I don't know…I always thought that "Tough Enough", and "Wrap It Up" were pretty good. I thought their lead singer was pretty good.

I'm shocked and embarrassed for the commenters here that no one has mentioned the live version of J. Geils Band's live version of "Whammer Jammer" with Magic Dick on the harmonica (John Popper can fuck off with his wanky bullshit and 40 different harmonicas jammed in his pockets).

Traffic's "Glad" from John Barleycorn Must Die. Steve Winwood's piano is phenomenal, as is chris wood's sax playing.

Thinking more about the Iron Maiden show I just went to…Who would have thought that when they filmed Heavy Metal Parking Lot (yes, I know it was outside a Judas Priest show) that someday "satanic" metal bands like them would have crowds of greybeards with their kids (and in some cases, grand-kids clearly well under

Yeah, they were touring their third album, and as far as I remember they performed every song off the first two albums backed by Sigmund Snopek and The Horns Of Dilemma. It was a hell of a show, even though they had to stop it twice to back the crowd away from the stage for fear of the whole stage collapsing.

Violent Femmes 3 times: 1984 at the KU Student Union, twice in the 1990's at the late, lamented Mississippi Nights in St. Louis.
Metallica 3 times: Once when they were touring …And Justice For All, and twice when they were touring The Black Album.
The Scorpions at least three times, maybe 4 or 5…basically every time

""pulled a "Remington Steele""…. nice pull…. I'm guessing you must be around 50 to be making that reference?

I know this has been mentioned at least once before, but I'm starting to wonder about Skylar Wexler's health. Her face has gotten sooo puffy, it reminds me of the little girl from Poltergeist. She doesn't look like she has gained so much weight as to explain how puffy she's gotten in the face. Maybe she's being

Well, I can delete H50 off of my Tivo now, those two were the only reason I watched.

For anyone interested, Marc Maron's June 26 episode was with Jenji Kohan.

I'm sorry, that's just stupid, as are all the other comments about "Piper is the worst" and "Get rid of Piper". It's not going to happen, because she is still the connective tissue between various factions, and quite frankly, I know people don't want to believe it around here, but I can guarantee you that Internet

I think the show has been clear all along that it's not murder in a legal sense.

Jenji loves to do homages. The finale of season 4 of Weeds was a spaghetti western homage, and the finale of season 6 was a Hitchcock homage (Jenji even did a Hitchcock walk-through in that ep)

I wonder if they filmed, then cut some scenes with Harney…Or maybe he was signed for the season before they decided to not use him.

The Piper hate has always amazed me…people always calling her "The worst".
She's not even in the top 5:
Boo and Nicky have both been shown to be sexual predators, as has Black Cindy. Healy was almost psychotically misogynistic, Leanne, Angie, and all the white power chicks, Aleida is an awful person, and the list goes

The Litchfield Guards were sidelined by the stormtroopers, that's why Tucky's guy wasn't working