Bruce from Missouri

He escaped through the hole in the fence in the same scene where Gloria finds out Maria double-crossed her. He came running out of the building with the Meth Sisters in hot pursuit, and went through the hole in the fence.

If Poussey was white, she doesn't even get charged. Just as they showed last season with Bailey getting let free for the same crime

Oh, I'm pretty much a generalist, although my tastes have gotten a bit harder over the years. I guess I go back hardest to the Beatles and Beach Boys. I think there was some good stuff in prog, Got some Rush, ELP and early King Crimson, but I also like my mom's favorite song(The Wayward Wind, by Gogi Grant) BTW, I'm

No, Twitter can get stuff whipped up in minutes. I'm going to ask seriously here, not trying to rude: Have you ever spent any serious time on Twitter? Because I've seen it happen. #Ferguson kicked off over a matter of 2 or 3 hours. Justine Sacco was out of a job before her plane touched down. Philando Castile's death

Caputo and Fig just can't quit each other, can they?

I have to admit, it did no help the situation that a dorm-mate was trying to convince me what a GENIUUUUSSSS Adrian Belew was while it was playing. One of the few things more annoying than a Rush fanboy ( and I like a certain amount of Rush, although The Trees also makes me homicidal) is a King Crimson or Yes fanboy.

Something that just occurred to me. With this video going viral of Alex getting her arm broken, doesn't that tell her old boss that she is still alive? Or did the knowledge of a dead hit-man make it out but I forgot? I'm thinking the situation when we last left it was that as far as her boss knows, the hit-man

I liked "In The Court Of The Crimson King", but when I saw a video of "Matte Kudasai" on MTV in 1981 I wanted to leap through the screen and beat Adrian Belew to death with his own guitar. If you are going to wank musically, at least don't bore me and annoy me with your doucheness at the same time.

Yes…I don't know how much the other inmates know about it, but Suzanne has the advantage of the class privilege and white privilege of her parents. Even with her being black and mentally ill, she is still probably the most privileged black inmate we've met.

I find it totally believable. Prison guards are every bit as hard to fire or convict as cops are. And, as has been pointed out, this is partly based on a real life story.

I just think it's because they are both tall, icy blondes. Just a basic pop culture reference.

The thing is, prison culture is not the same as outside culture. I guarantee that in a real prison the first word he would hear everyday as he walked into a cell block everyday would be "f*ggot" or "Maricon" and it would get worse from there. To me, the least believable part of this is the idea that an outed gay guard

She's hot as hell, but I think fucking Aleida would be a very bad life choice…whose life hasn't she fucked up?

Who did Boo steal that suit from? Lea Delaria is only 5'1, that jacket should be halfway to her knees.

You must be from the St. Louis area…That's one of our wealthiest suburbs.

Actually it seems to me that the costume design and makeup has always tried to make them look a little physically different.
Rachel is rich model-ly thin and wears some kind of bra with a flattening effect
Alison has a tight runner's body (She has run marathons)
Krystal has a runner's (or gym rat) body with a boob job

Sukiyaki—-Kyu Sakamoto
You Keep Me Hanging On—-Vanilla Fudge
How Do You Do?—-Mouth and Mcniell'
Popcorn—-Hot Butter

They had an even bigger hit with "Red Rubber Ball" written by Paul Simon.

Loved "6 Underground". They got rid of the singer because she wasn't their "style", and deservedly no one ever gave a shit about them again. Her performance was what made the song stand out,

Cranky old fart Deejays hated them for imitating the cover shot from "Meet The Beatles".