Bruce from Missouri

Bob Kuban is still a fairly big deal in St. Louis. He still plays all over the area, and they also got a lot of unwanted exposure when one of them was murdered in a fairly notorious local case

It's because Tony Burroughs was essentially a session singer. They'd record a bunch of songs in different styles, release them under various names, and if anyone of them started getting traction, they'd throw together an album and a band and tour with it. If you listen to Gilbert Gottfried's podcast with Ron Dante,

Beach Baby…my favorite one hit wonder.A surf symphony done by Englishmen. I love that song.

Norman Greenbaum of "Spirit In The Sky" fame said some time back that he gets a minimum of 50 grand every year for decades now off that one song. It must be nice to have a 50 grand cushion to work with every year.

Well, Linda Perry has had a very long and successful career as a songwriter and producer since 4 Non Blondes. She wrote Pink's biggest hit, and married Darlene from Roseanne…so she's doing OK.

Toadies also had "I Come From The Water".

l have to admit a soft spot for I Eat Cannibals by Total Coelo. Also, and teen death song one hit wonder from the 1960's and 1970's.

I hated his show, but I've always loved Ray Romano himself. Just couldn't get into the show. He's not the only one… I would always rather see Seinfeld on a talk show couch than on his show.

Kumail is a bit sensitive(and I am not saying this is a bad thing) and he put that podcast and his X Files Files podcast on hiatus partly because of a feeling of "why should I put out this free product if people are just going to crap all over it".

That's really a problem…It makes it sound like a Michael Moore documentary. I hope it doesn't hurt them because they both seem like the type of good people who deserve success.

Hey, I gave you part of the answer…I gotta do all the work?

Actually, I took his car stalling to be due to some Swango sabotage to isolate him.

Miles, I think you are missing the other point of the Bayley storyline: He is a white LEO who killed an innocent, unarmed black woman, and try as he might, he can't get arrested for it. Especially poignant since another jury just let another killer cop go free.

It would have to be after Vee…Vee is the one that gave her the nickname.

I've always thought that it is incredibly hypocritical that we would judge other people for eating horses, dogs, or cats. I personally couldn't give a shit. I'd give horse meat a try, if it was put in front of me.

Yeah, not only was she high, but they always ignore the line that immediately follows:
Hannah Horvath: [to her parents] I don't want to freak you out, but I think that I may be the voice of my generation. Or at least, a voice of a generation.

Yet another person who never listened to the quote in context….

Cryptonomicon is a bit more accessible, more of a rollicking adventure type with a large cast of characters in two different timelines(WWII, modern day). Anathem is more science-y, and requires a bit more concentration.

I finally figured out what bothers me about Meemo. He's the poor man's version of Cure' from the french film Diva. He's implacable,psychotic/sociopathic, uses the earbuds to separate himself from the world and is calmly violent. It's like Hawley watched that film, and then said "recreate that character, but lamer in

Yeah, Nikki's makeup was way classed up this week, but the Widow Goldfarb's makeup was more than a little creepy.