Bruce from Missouri

Here is my weekly agreement with whoever is the first person who says Varga is a terrible character…Although I saw Wonder Woman last night and Thewlis was quite good in that.

I think Malina just gets off on competition wherever he can find it. If he can get paid for it, it's a win-win for him.

Maybe if there is a softball game….

Just one…he told Marc Maron that his child support is based on what he was making in the NewsRadio days, but that show has been off the air for almost 20 years and the court won't reduce his child support. He faces arrest for over 500,000 in child support debt if he returns to Canada.

Not only that, but for a while it looked like he would be the first to go.

If they have the women in those 1970's style swimsuits, I'm in! Charisma Carpenter and some of the others could rock the shit out of those.

Gotta like Flores showing some hidden depths here, being smart enough to go through the guard records, and getting on it even before Red. She's got some hidden leadership qualities that make me wonder if she will move more to the front of the story at some point.

Yoga Jones was upset about the Nazis smoking outside because they unlocked a door to do it, which made the prison vulnerable to an attempt to re-take it by the guards.

Jenji Kohan has been saying that the season covers 72 hours…so 72 divided by 13 episode tells us that the average episode covers about 5.5 hours. I think the riot started in the morning, and they are now somewhere in the evening of the first day. So, 10 to 15 hours. Clearly MCC is covering it up if the local cops

Well, if Piper has three months left, we now know the approximate timeline. The first 4 seasons covered 11-12 months. This is assuming she didn't get any time added for beating Pennsatucky.

I'm sorry, but Varga is the worst character on the show, with his only competition being his Asian henchman.

I don't know if it's my favorite hour of the season, but it was certainly my favorite half hour. So, anyone know why Burgle saw Ray Wise earlier in the season? Is she an avenging angel too? Or is Ray Wise a guardian angel?

Hear, hear! This is my weekly reminder that Varga is a terrible character.

Con Air is possibly the best comedy ever made. Nic Cage playing it dead straight while everyone else is just chewing the scenery for all they are worth is just screamingly funny.

It was actually a great album.People forget that with all the controversy. Even if you take out "Cop Killer" it had some pretty great songs:
Body Count—-this song has never been more relevant
There Goes the Neighborhood
KKK Bitch "I know her daddy'll really be after me, when his grandson's named little Ice-T"
Evil Dick

Chief Moe and Varga keep making me want to quit the show, but Coon, Winstead and Stuhlbarg keep bringing me back.

No I have not been mispronouncing "Reeses" the whole time…because I am not a moron.

naw, we're good… You are on record clarifying your meaning so it's all cool.

OK, cool, I thought you were just making a very typical (and quite frankly misogynistic and homophobic) insult that I've heard many times before about "fruity girl drinks". If that's not what you were aiming for, I gotta tell you that that is how it came off to me.

You would be correct, and I have…but at least those have some nutritional value.