
Too many trans are offended by someone simply breathing. 

By the looks of this cop hes bound to shoot himself while looking down the barrel to see whats down there. Sweet haircut.

Yeah, maybe when I am bored stiff and its 5 bucks.

Reading comprehension.

A black Bond!? America would implode. 

Millionaires lose touch with reality. This guy has produced nothing but whining, sleep inducing trash following the chapelle show.

Of course they shredded everything. Probably.l looked like the fall of Berlin in ‘45, papers floating in the wind, barrels burning. Of course these cock suckers will carry on as per usual. 

Im perfectly steady way up here. Leave your little bubble one day, travel abroad and tell them youre American and see just how well that goes for you everywhere you go. We would get sneered at like we were dog shit until they realized we werent American...they’d apologize profusely and we were treated extremely

Well hate to break it to you, its simply a far better place to live. While Ive enjoyed all of my time in the states (and its a lot) as well as the people Ive interacted with, you guys simply have no sense of reservation whatsoever. Ever wonder why Americans slap Canadian flags on their gear when traveling abroad?

Most Canadians are disgusted and embarrassed by what the Catholic church and Govt had done. America simply has no shame by comparrisson.

Thats right Canad aint perfect, just as I stated. Our police...again while arent perfect...arent shooting indigenous in cold blood. Yeah there was an isolated incident many many years...years ago where some piece of shit cops drove some poor guy out to the country in winter. The USA pigs seems to be shooting blacks

Like I said Canada isnt perfect, cherry pick much?

You lost me at “Y’all.”

Like I said, cops up here dont shoot/murder anyone. The USA? Seems like every week. Reading comprehension. 

Come on up to Canada, while definitely not perfect it is irrefutably infinitely better than the backed up sewer, gun happy shit-hole that is the shameless USA....oh and before anyone wants to beak off about Canada’s issues show me the stats of cops shooting and railroading innocent POC.

“Whoops! ....but I want to go to college!” now amounts to a free fucking pass? Look at that damage, he nailed these people bang on centre. What a useless little cunt.

Activision removes one foot from their desk, provides a bit of “we’re sorry and we promise to make changes” lipservice and things will slowly return to a shit show a couple years down the road. People who speak out will be removed before another mass worker revolt can be organized.

Theyve split!?!! Oh how will I ever sleep at night now?

I wonder who will be peeing on who in the slammer?

Bogus charges against Bowman (et al) dropped? Of course not because this black man is clearly guilty of...something.