
Good riddance, one less subhuman is a very good thing. Chucking this greasy little twat in gen pop for a slow painful death would be a more befitting punishment IMO.

Fuck these guys are pathetic... always full of swagger and pomp until they get caught, then its apologies and “guilt”. Stand by your precious convictions you abject fucking pussies. Jesus. 

American schools? Man, its lacking in most of humanity.

Cant fix stupid. This retard has to be the most inept orator in POTUS history.

Add blatant shameless racists both cops and general population shooting eachother etc and man, what a glorious paradise of winners. 

Haha you again? Still using that old trope too.

As long as they aren’t flooding up in Canada I’m happy, we have enough retards up here as it is. 

Bought a GB mb once....piece of crap, now this? Last time I buy anything GB.

Im shocked no one has shot the place up yet. 

Found the trump supporter! The truth cuts you deeply.

Whats truly terrifying is the countless millions of abject retards that will agree with their lord and savior’s delusional rhetoric.

America is a sad joke

Yikes. It would be difficult to believe that the sound guy simply “missed” that one.

This is the new and forever norm in the USA. Disgraceful people.

They’re gonna take away my treasures!!!!

Classy. Best of luck guys.

Wait! Whats this tidal wave of shit I see coming down the pipe? Fuck this, Im not gonna be held accountable for this mess, Im outta here and retiring with my countless millions of dollars. Later suckers. (Smirks and dusts off hands)

You know I was walking to preschool with my brother who was 2 years older. Lets continue coddling the shit of kids. Given these past couple of generations its sure has proven to be so very effective/positive. They can live at home until 40, moms can continue to sit in on job interviews with their “kid”, etc etc. WIN!

Damn I’ve had this one on my radar for a long time. Was hopeful it would/will be on PC.

Billion dollar company > People