...but I hear so much bombastic boasting about how America is the greatest because of “Freedom”. Right here is America’s precious freedom, bordering on tyrannical autocracy backed by millions of lunatics. An enchanting place.
...but I hear so much bombastic boasting about how America is the greatest because of “Freedom”. Right here is America’s precious freedom, bordering on tyrannical autocracy backed by millions of lunatics. An enchanting place.
Fuck, I hate the USA. Bunch of disgraceful self absorbed imbeciles. Think Im 100% done ever visiting that shit-hole ever again.
He’ll win it by a landslide.
How the hell the USA has made it this far is beyond me. Choke on it nerds.
Man, what a stupid ignorant bitch. True American role model right here...a damn shame she didnt chock to death on her own fluids. Theres still time.
Meanwhile up in Canada.....
Boy oh boy this tactic sure is working out well in Portland with all the fed chumps turning tail and hiding. Aparently even the portland based cops arent helping out, great snub.... your move trump, you dicksore you.
Your nationwide disaster is just only beginning. Somehow brace yourselves America.
CEO : “Who gives a shit? Im making money!
So very American of you.
You Poor Poor sad little maga racist. I have no problem with people so evidently this is a “you problem”.
American politics is a pathetic joke as are the people who wrap their existence around the lie. The country is a shit-hole.
Pfft whatever you say chief. Your entire comment history? Im surprised you can even manage to tie your own fucking shoe without your handlers assistance.
More ingenious American brilliance shines through! How wonderfully thought out! Your kid will bring it home to infect any and all and lets not forget the PROVEN potential for blood clots = strokes, and permanent lung damage, and organ damage... but hey fuck it, we’re indomitable Americans after all and by our Gods will…
Wouldnt doubt it given the massive shortage of Americans with critical thinking skills.
I dont feel guilty at all....because Im not a racist.
I dont have much to say about Nick Cannon but you know, as a white guy up here in Canada looking in? I’m perfectly ok with POC throwing around some racism because lord f-ing knows they have earned that right after hundreds of years of being under the boot. Cant say I blame them one bit to be honest. It sure isnt…
That caption pic...which one brought their little brother?
...and the paper thin veneer of “freedom” that Americans always boast about shows its true colours and disappears. No better than China or Russia at this stage.
Oh its coming, just wait for November. ;)