“Define foment” ;)
“Define foment” ;)
Doubt it.... like father like son/daughter...rich self absorbed American entitlement is highly probable here.
Id rather play “Word Zapper”.
No cliff on the planet is high enough.
Ugh, why am I not surprised in the least its some vapid zero dignity blonde ditz who’ll do and say anything to make a name for herself?” How much flaccid trump dick did she have to swish around in her mouth to get this gig? ....because you know its happened. Just look at trumps smile...thats definitely a ‘This…
Having lived there...can confirm. Chinese are extremely racist towards darker skin tones...hey just like America! Stay classy world.
How very typically “Christian” of you.
my favorite verse... um , “And Jesus said Let There Be Fried Chicken, and there was chicken”.... “KFC as you know is my favorite guilty pleasure, those guys over at KFC really know a good chicken, taking a tour of the plant next week, they do good work those chickens, really big contribution, to the economy...big,…
HAHAHA...well, it’d be funny if it werent a correct assessment..
“Okay okay, now all you black people get in real close to your president...show him your adoration and love....aaand now, token white guy in the back there, hide your face, okay and “Karen” you’re good right where you are.” “CLICK” “Okay people lets go, back to work! Your President is Busy, exit door to your left.”
Jeuss that intense food colouring ....looks like cancer in a bottle.
Why bother educating themselves? They have their bottle of Jack, God and their weapons to shoo away their neighbours and other races (ie: dangerous criminals.) Theyre good. Trump is their protectorate.
Trump encapsulates everything shitty about America. Hes a perfect shining example bred from that society.
Cmon you rubes, Trump has already won/ fixed this “race”. I hope Im wrong but in my gut I can almost guarantee it.
What is it with all of these American bubblehead sextape imbeciles attempting to be relevant? Doesnt she have a football team(s) to fuck somewhere?
So whats the American death toll going to be? 6 or 7 digits? Given the current administration’s ?intentional? pissing about and the general overall ignorance, willful or otherwise, Im going all-in on 7. Lucky 7! Baby needs new shoes!
“There’s a sucker born every minute.”
But Lil Donnie and his Sunday school play pal Pence want their Easter egg hunt, they’ve prayed to Jesus every day and night. Jesus told them 2 weeks and the entire country will be back up and running as per usual.
Dispatch I got a perp sitting in a rocking chair on a front porch, proceeding to question perp if he is a resident of the premises.... SIR! DO YOU LIVE HERE?” “Yes this is my....”....“SHIT HES GOT AN ICED TEA!!!! BLAM!! BLAM!! “Dispatch I just had an aggressive black male confront me with an Iced tea. Perp is down. …
We Cavicide the crap out of everything every time. Those little white towels come up filthy brown...every time.