
Agreed, he should have submarine propellers on his feet not wings.

Distribution gets a percentage of the gross box office. It’s generally the most profitable aspect of the business depending on the deal.

Editor? aww that’s cute.

Wakanda Forver? You had one job, editor.

I was impressed Coogler was able to pull it off to the extent he did given the circumstances. There’s no getting around the issue that the cast is entirely made up of characters who were originally designed as supporting characters. But then I was thinking about what most superhero sequels along these lines would look

I had the same reaction. It wasn’t difficult for me to separate art from the artist. I thought Wright did a great job emotionally centering the movie, processing her grief for brother and mother in well-differentiated ways, and I was just buying the journey towards her becoming Black Panther. I think a lot of people

“and everyone understands why”

While it will never be able to escape the weight of losing its main actor and choosing to soldier on anyways, I thought it told a really interesting story and filled out an already vibrant world and group of characters in one of the stronger recent MCU movies

I found myself losing all my misgivings about her as the movie went on honestly. she’s definitely said some dumb shit and I hope she chooses to educate herself instead of doubling down on it, but purely in terms of the art her performance in the movie was pretty incredible. I also wasn’t expecting how dark they would

After seeing T’Challa Junior at the end of the film, I’d place a large wager that Secret Wars is gonna end (or at least the phase that starts after) with a time jump in the MCU where he assumes the role of Black Panther and they start telling the stories they wanted to tell before Boseman passed. Shuri’s Panther will

He’s in prison still for siding with Killmonger in the first one.

I quite like Shuri, and despite some of Wright’s missteps, I find her an incredibly endearing actress. They already were setting up at the end that her reign as Black Panther was temporary, but it felt narratively the most sense (and we don’t know the bond they had in real life)

Ross is a standup guy and all that, but I do wonder what the attraction was for Val. A mid-level CIA guy doesn’t seem to be in her weight class.

Yeah, I gotta say, all of the big, giant, END OF THE WORLD stuff was easily the absolute worst part of the series (and even more so, the show), which shines best when it’s people just bein’ people.

They are so proud of themselves. Reading this persons sad glee with theirself on Twitter because they done riled us up for the lulz definitely tells me we need to not click on any more articles with their name. Don’t give them the clicks. God I miss Charlie and Annalee.

Problem is, all of us here letting her know what a terrible hack she is gives her the clicks she needs to keep writing shit.

Jesus, the certifiable glee that the author is expressing on Twitter for the reaction to this article is super troubling for this site’s future. Like, know your audience, don’t crap on them and try not spin around hoisting flower petals in the air when you succeed in frustrating people by writing a cynical, bad-faith

I’ve starred every single comment, but even that is not enough to pile onto one of the most disappointing articles I have ever read on this site (and I go waaaaay back). How on earth / Midgard did this utter tripe pass editorial approval? Maybe next time get an MCU fan to write this review, not a world weary hater. 0

Yikes. This is less of a breakdown and more like a lot of gripes. The CGI complaints for example are kinda unecessary. It’s the first teaser and while the movie comes out in July, that’s still a lot of room for tweaks and improvements.

Most CGI looks weird when paused too, this is like complaining about weird

Thank you for your attempt to kill joy on this Monday.