
"Cool" prank?

Umm, okay.

I hear this excuse everytime "if I was POC I'd be offended" bahahahahahahahaha, because every other White character was painstakingly created with their ethnicity and backgrounds in mind.

Oh snap, Blue Marvel's back... looks like I'd be buying comicbooks again and damn I miss Dwayne McDuffie, R.I.P.

Marc Rubio is simply another rich White cat with a Spanish last name, no surprises here. He is about as Latino as Taco Bell is Mexican .

Shhhh... shhhh... it's okay, it's gonna be alright. Takes Xbox1 behind the barn.

Whatever Miley is doing looks painful and back breaking. Lol, why do these White girls want to be ratchet soo bad.

Short List of Male Celebrities that beat and/or rape women.

Joss Whedon's script for Wonder Woman outright sucked and that says a lot for a character that's barely 2 dimensional/outright boring. Give me a Storm movie any day.

You are trying too hard, hun. It's simply the name of the team.

*wipes brow* Looks more like a WSHH video though.

Lol, glad to see he's still just a kid. Ooops, I meant grow up you product of nepotist scientology gay-in-the-closet-swingers... you are too old for this shit. *takes tin foil hat off* phew, that was relieving.

Ugh, this self righteous obsession "Jezzies" have with Chris Brown is downright hilarious. It's a communal love-to-hate phenomenon at this point. Oh well Fassbender, Alec Baldwin, Rob Lowe & numerous other woman beating/rapist celebs get a pass coz they are soo "dreamy" and "repentant". Bahahahahahaaha.

Does Prince ever age? Yummy!!!

What a load of bullshit.

Phewwww, that's a relief. I'll guess we'll find out come finale night.

Holy Shit!!!! I didn't see that coming. Now it's kinda bittersweet.

I can't express enough how dissonant the soundtrack to the movie felt while watching it. Talk about unintentional hilarity.

Finally!!!!! Those poor kids can heave a sigh of relief after composting on the couch for 8 years. I'm sure they wish they never asked.