Agreed. BTW what is a Halo.
Agreed. BTW what is a Halo.
I like Argo too, but after the intense hype surrounding it, I was left a bit underwhelmed by what I got. Especially after watching ZD30 tackle a similar premise (CIA work) with greater success.
Yeah, not surprised Argo won for best editing... that was some spectacular editing, omitting how the whole operation was also an 80% Canadian effort.
Go back to Amish town, where children are seen and not heard. Heaven forbid a child actually be a child.
Your logic is seriously seriously flawed.
Argo is highly overrated, Zero Dark Thirty should have won Best Picture.
Ummm... feminism in porn? We are talking about porn right? How can porn ever be feminist?
Low-Budget Kids sounds like an awesome band's name.
Hahahahahahaa... your ignorance is refreshing.
Hmmm, you don't have kids I presume?
Un-childed? Huh?
Celebs = / = Role models. Rihanna outright states she's not a role model. When would people get it.
Ugh... Who cares.
I don't get it. Tori Amos is awesome IMHO.
It's okay Fawell, your Illuminati invite would be in the mail soon enough.
But... but that's what really happened. You can't fault Bigelow & Boal for adhering to reality so closely.
I don't know which is more hilarious:
Hahahahaha "make HIM feel safer and more protected". What alternate universe did you grow up in? Besides you missed the point of the original poster by several light years.
"No Homo"? Funny, coz the phrase is actually homophobic.
"... I wash my hands before I touch my dick"