Oh gawd, why do I feel the need for a shower...
Oh gawd, why do I feel the need for a shower...
Harrison as Khan is the dumbest secret ever kept. Non-Star Trek fans don't know or care who Khan is, and Star Trek fans already sussed out that "secret" months ago. What was the freaking point, Abrams?
Celebs = / = Role models. Rihanna outright states she's not a role model. When would people get it.
I just can't....
It's sexy fun time.
What the hell del Toro? Stop spreading yourself thin, picking and dumping projects.
Ugh... Who cares.
I don't get it. Tori Amos is awesome IMHO.
It's okay Fawell, your Illuminati invite would be in the mail soon enough.
6 movies in and Wolverine's still got no bloody cowl. C'mon, Avengers already paved the way, make it happen Fox.
Meh... Looks like a dumb prequel to I am Legend. Definitely pass, I'll be watching Man of Steel for the 20th time instead.
Oh dear....
Lol, thanks I appreciate it ;)
Beyond Good and Evil is as close as you can get to a Sci-Fi GTA.
Interesting, so it simulates the brain functions but is not an A.I.
Lol, moving on ;)
But... but that's what really happened. You can't fault Bigelow & Boal for adhering to reality so closely.