
“no backsies” is a convenient way of describing it.

Try Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. It’s been out for a couple of years, so it’s cheap. Action=packed and has a cool nemesis system that has any orc who kills you move up in the ranks and become more powerful. It’s fun to be in the middle of a big fight and all of the sudden the orc you have beef with shows up WWE

No. Feeling so afraid of The Outside that one needs to stash unsecured firearms throughout one’s house is an excellent indicator that one is a fucking psycho... Or a career criminal.

[raises hand tentatively]

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life


Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

No, he was telling people to not watch streams because they weren’t indicative of what the finished game would actually be. Which was correct... People get way too tin foil hat with this stuff. This is how EVERY game is developed in 2016, No Man’s Sky is no different. They have to get a gold build done for physical

Would it be strange to say that this is what I wanted Destiny to be?

I dunno, for me this gen, both PS4 and Xbone look better laying flat. The PS2 was the last system I personally felt looked better standing up.

I feel like they’re going to loose some user base simply because of the price hike. They should have let existing users keep the same rate if only for a few months.

Although I lay on a skeptical side too, I still buy early access because of a few reasons that are actually entirely overlooked by the overly-cynical video.

And we are already off to a FLYING start.

Yes, I understood your point; it was simply asinine. You seem to have interpreted some sort of condemnation in my original post where none is present or even implied; all I did was simply estimate the cost involved in this out of curiosity and, if someone else was interested in this, they would have an idea of the

“Hack” is not a word found on this article or the source to which this article links. Setting aside the obvious reality that language is fluid and words gain new, legitimate, meaning all the time, I’m really not certain why you chose this article to stand on your soapbox.

If the English language is “Def.easy one” then why do you have such a hard time forming a single coherent sentence?

Was the pun on purpose or can you not spell? ;-;

“I never understood why the alien is always where I am. Its a huge spacestation and there are other people around. I got tired of being hunted 100% of the time.”

The biggest irony is there are an awful lot of guys on here who can actually afford the insane cars these guys write about. And here I am stuck commuting in the after-picture of the BMW from the final Ronin chase scene. At least I re-enact it at least once a day.