
the 90-yarder is the best because Williams had the safety lined up per usual 20 yards back and Odell still ran by him like the safety was Gregg and Odell was a head coaching job

If someone was going to ruin Endgame, I’d have guessed Andy Reid.

You mean that time they started a black QB on December 3, 2017 and then the coach and GM got fired on December 4, 2017? 

That’s nothing. One time, after a night of particularly heavy drinking, I managed to vomit everywhere in my bathroom without so much as a drop making it into the toilet.

Jesus definitely farted.

“Baseball is not basketball, in which a single transcendent player can will a team to 50 wins...”

Every sauce nerd in this thread: shut up. Just shut the hell up. If there was a way to reply to all of you en masse, I would. But I can’t, so OP it is. I don’t want to hear one fucking word about how mew mew mew, pasta sauce is so easy to make, my version is fast and better and healthy, mew mew mew.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

My favorite call-in was my Dad’s. There was an NFLer that graduated from one of the big schools and it got out that he was illiterate (I don’t recall who it was, this must have been before James Brooks though, because I was definitely a kid.) Anyway, the whole show was about what a scandal it was and how it was

What the fuck dude? The toilet is right there. Just pee into the toilet. How the fuck do you get piss on your pants when you’re peeing sitting down? In your buttcrack? I don’t believe this for a second. Is your dick shaped like a giant U that points right back up your butt? No, no it is not.

People who use custom ring tones are assholes. Just use the factory settings or, better yet, keep it on silent or vibrate. I use the McGyver theme song for mine.

They’re both real. He goes through ups and downs (like all hitters). My point very clearly is that you can’t abandon him just because he had a downturn because then you’ll miss on the potential for great returns when he’s on the upswing.

How will ANY team win today with these distractions. Could set a record for ties today.

You ever seen a sunburnt fish? Makes you think.

That’s childish and below the belt.

To be fair to Francesa, this is the worst thing any coach has ever done at Penn State.

Thanks for clarifying all this! Man, I wish the author had seen fit to include this pertinent information.

That’s nothing, the Giants hold a AAA outfield meeting every game.

Might wanna check the last few lines of the post, buddy. (Admittedly, I failed to include any made-up dialogue between Bell and his pitcher. Very sorry if you felt put out by having to imagine that yourself.)

That would actually be less insulting to me than their product.