
The few people you listed are in the extreme minority that exist. You can keep trying to group our struggles with other women's but in certain ways WE ARE DIFFERENT and experience life different because of our differences to the rest of worlds other women. You deflect and pretend that black women and other races of

You can keep telling yourself if you want if it helps you cope but meanwhile back in reality STATISTICS TELL A DIFFERENT story honey. Whatever gets you by I choose to live in reality and confront and deal with hard truths you ...welll... have your way of coping. Pretending like things aren't a certain way because you

I DO NOT FIT the "stereotype" you just wrote. Thanks for generalizing EVERY black women as fitting fulfilling the invalid stereotypes that " we do this to ourselves" and everything else you implied..which recks of victim blaming. No it isn't that 70% won't get married NO we "chose to be alone" No not that it isn't we

Speak for yourself. You DON'T know EVERY black women nor how she handles being one. How invalid.

Doesn't stuff like this make you feel suicidal... like you just want to escape this horrible planet and existence...? I am a brown skinned African American women and have lived through hell, people trying to set me up using stereotypes playing on other people's preconceived racist stereotypes as an advantage in the

Being a dark skinned African American women these facts are depressing. They make me feel suicidal. I had no control over how I love yet will have to pay the price in misery for the rest of my life. You can't escape your body, your skin and in this case the hellish nightmarish life it attracts.