
This is a weird comment.

Those are some next-gen mood swings.

You dont need ray-tracing to make a block look like gold...


Hey Mike, I don’t post here all that often but Ireally wish you a speedy and full recovery!

Yeah, China is pretty lame.

Never go full MP man.

I once bought a couch.

A lot of people assume that we can pool all of our resources into this or that. “You all should be focusing network code and not on artwork.” As if we can quickly train up our artists and turn them into network engineers to fill in the gaps.

I think a lot of the hate comes from what publishers ultimately decide is going to be in their best interests despite the initial development path. Developers want to make cool shit, they only want to make cool shit. We are never out to shaft the player. I got into this industry because, as a kid, I really looked up

Hideo Kojima presents a Hideo Kojima production by Hideo Kojima’s new Hideo Kojima game studio by Hideo Kojima.... Hideo Kojima Online

Its an international sport to hate on Call of Duty. People dislike it because they think they are being trendy.

I hate how old clueless people say “Video games”...