I understand this about as much as any Soundcloud rapper, but her flow is much better than the majority of the “Lils”. I fox wit it.
I understand this about as much as any Soundcloud rapper, but her flow is much better than the majority of the “Lils”. I fox wit it.
This is the second story I’ve read in the last few days about people on the Right searching for their very own Greta.
Holy fuck. Reading the linked article is chilling. Residents are allowed concealed carry WITHOUT ANY PERMIT OR TRAINING. This law would extend this to non-residents as well. This is so mind boggling that I feel like I’m missing something.
I don’t get how she even got to the courtroom, especially in a state where gun culture is such a thing everyone knows you take the magazine and clear/lock the chamber open to demonstrate it’s acceptable to bring into a gun store or government building. Open carry doesn’t extend to government buildings.
Society lives in fear of what they don’t understand? We’re afraid of letting people roam around with loaded weapons because we don’t understand your “culture”? You’re the psychos who are so afraid of encountering a terrorist attack in the produce section you feel the need to carry a loaded gun to go to the eff’n…
To own the libs. D’uh!
I’ll fly you there in my 747. The hospital has a helipad on top, right? Gotta land somewhere.
Wonder if this guy gripes about how the libs use that Thunberg girl to further their climate change hoax....
Don't be so blind. These folks know them deers are all radical Mooselims. Vigilance!
Just in case you wanted the honest answer to the question...
So just because one person has been taught how to do something properly, and does it responsibly, means everyone should be able to do the same unchecked?
This is what radicalisation and White Privilege looks like.
They conveniently forget Islam recognizes Moses as black, and he is the most mentioned prophet in the Quran after Muhammad, peace be upon him.
This song slaps. I feel it.
5 seasons and 2 movie’s in total, there were 3 seasons and 2 movies out before netflix decided to renew, all available for download with subs from various ‘sites’ and they are frickin awesome. really hope netflix does a 3rd.
I get that, but it doesn’t make it anymore right or a healthy way to behave.
Maybe it's just my personality but if something angers me that much I just remove myself from the situation. This doesn't seem like a healthy way to live.
isn’t footie the sport large batches of fans go to jail for fighting the other team’s fans at actual games? soccer hooligans is a thing. so I’m thinking there’s a pattern in the generation of these intitled bastardos. they must share SOME traits or origin points.
“It’s about damn time you start caring about us. We deserve justice. We deserve a damn football game.”
This type of behavior only reinforces EA’s decision to ban him. His fanbase isn’t doing him any favor.