
@Dollar Bill: They're both TV shows about people who did a little housekeeping.

I wonder if the majority of Giz readers are too young to get the Belvedere/Hazel references? They gave me a nice middle-aged laugh, at least.

I don't think I even get enough voicemail anymore to ever think of justifying ANY cost, never mind $10...if I don't pick up, everyone but my parents will just try a text. (And by the way, I'm almost 40.) GV is fine for the occasional times I use it.

@Wrathernaut: no 3G, though, if that matters to you.

Gives the "Saved" folder a whole new meaning.

@spackalicious: and the under-seat "night soil" composting bucket?

Can you flip the dock manually when (inevitably) something goes wrong with the mechanism?

When tax season arrives, it's stuff like this that makes me glad to be a freelancer.

Somewhere in Tennessee:

The whalers were filming, the Irwin was filming, but nobody on the Ady Gil had a camera? THAT would have been some crazy footage, especially if you're trying to sway public opinion.