
The only Voyager episode I ever enjoyed was the one where the holo-doc teams up with the holo-doc from an experimental Fed ship. Otherwise the worst DS9 episode is better than any Voyager ep.

Ugh. I can't stand character descriptions. Phrases like "whip-smart" and "girl next door" make me cringe...

The DOFP Quicksilver scene was the best effect sequence of the year; it was easily the highlight of the film. I feel sorry for the Avengers 2 Quicksilver having to follow in its footsteps (no pun intended).


You shut your damn mouth sir.

I Am Legend would have been such a better movie had they not gone with the albino CGI Gumby's running around. Practical effects (at least for the close ups) would have been more realistic and personal. It's just one of the reasons the film starts out so well but then get's progressively worse.

Boo this man.

My favorite reason to ban a book "mysticism". The story of Jesus is a man who died with no sin and came back to life and now if you believe in him you have eternal life and bliss, but if you don't believe in him and you don't accept him, you spend eternity in hell. How is that not pot kettle mysticism

I'm disgusted not because I think it will be gross, I'm disgusted because it will be delicious.

What the fuck is redeemable about him? Lol

Magneto would rank up there, depending on what version of his history you go with.

You know who else hated Indiana Jones? Hitler.

Sometimes it's not good to be the king.


Hands down. Science fiction is about humans after all.

Wil, are you posting on io9 again?

Han Solo. Duh.

The KH Himself.