
I don’t love Eileen but we can all agree that Dorit is the worst. When she took credit for sending her son to speech therapy, I asked my husband how that’s possible when she barely sees him and leaves him to the multiple nannies? They didn’t even notice when he was playing with Clorox wipes during their ridiculous

I don’t understand how anyone can get this heated about a tv show.

Isn’t not wearing panties very common when wearing tight dresses? What is this crazy woman’s problem?

I realize this isn’t the point of this article, but I’m so fucking sick and tired of people saying “get over it” and “don’t be so sensitive” when someone is being insulting. If you always have to make jokes at other people’s expense to be funny, you are not funny. You are sad.

Dorit is so disgusting. She deserves her nasty sweaty husband. What awful people. As if a woman not wearing underwear is such a shocking thing. Also go Eileen! I always have a soft spot for her. She seems like a sweet, supportive friend.

At first I thought Doritos was a very progressive woman when she was discussing The Puss w her husband, but then I saw the previews for next week and she’s clearly insecure about EJ allure. Bye Doritos, you bitch from Connecticut.

Oh look, they were nice enough to block it in Canada. Usually I would be pissed, but here it means I don’t have to watch the trailer for The Emoji Movie, so, thanks, I guess?

This looks like the unholy child of Inside Out and Wreck It Ralph. And you know how sometimes two really attractive people make the ugliest fucking children?

After opening every app on the phone, they reduce the battery life, and their existence, down to two hours.

You could watch this, or you could watch a Steven Wright standup special. That seems like a better choice.

I gotta admit, it takes balls to advertise a movie no one wants with a monotone guy announcing “Hey. Look. Here it is. I don’t care, you don’t care, let’s just get this over with and get back to our lives. Can I get my check now?”

This script has been floating around for AGES, and the fact that he wakes her upfrom loneliness was the hook from the beginning. I’m surprised so many seem to have forgotten that.

Ive read that the passengers are supposed to wake up four months before arrival to re-acclimate themselves, hence the amenities

Setting aside the horrific moral failing that kicks everything off, I have a question that I’m wondering if the film even bothers trying to answer.

This movie is probably bad because you like you.

I think they’re saying that, with 90 years left in the trip, Lawrence is going to die of old age prior to getting to the planet that she’d signed onto the trip originally to settle.