
This bitch is exactly how I imagine my former best friend talks about me and my depression. She never reached out and then when we got together she would complain that all I ever did was bring the group down. I begged her to invite me to things because my postpartum depression was keeping me isolated and lonely. I get

Baby’s Breath? Really? The dead giveaway that you’re getting a cheap ass bouquet? There’s nothing wrong with using cheaper flowers, practically all flowers are beautiful but baby’s breath is a weed. Please don’t ruin your beautiful inexpensive bouquets with this weed.

Hai! We got Uber kitties to our office last year, and I had a lot of the same questions. They have several different groups of kittens that travel on several routes, giving them plenty of time to rest and relax in between visits. Additionally, their shelter handlers are with them the whole time, and bring familiar