We're going to have to get a time machine back to the 90s to explain this fully.
We're going to have to get a time machine back to the 90s to explain this fully.
Ok, so I'm probably a horrible person, and you're all going to hate me for admitting this.... but when my 5-year-old daughter lets me, I tweeze the middle of her unibrow a bit.
I ate a shitload of dark chocolate M&Ms one time while I was still nursing WeePiglet, and she shit blue for two full days. Sorry, kid! Since I am a reasonably intelligent woman, I did NOT photograph it, freak the fuck out, and post it on the internet. I thought about the probable causes, said "aha!" and that was…
Why are people sad bout this? As much as i don't care for any of the Kardashian, i will never wish what Khloé went trough to my worst enemy.
Forced sterilization sounds better every day.
I rarely talk about this, because it has a lot of very complex layers that I've found it can be really difficult for people to fully consider, but no one knew I was pregnant until my water broke. I was 15 when I got pregnant the first time I had sex. (Well, first consensual sex, but as far as I'm concerned it was the…
Is it possible she's a Chimera? They often have both reproductive organs, and there's been cases of self-fertilization with them. The other part of that is they're often raised female as the male organs stay internal (pressure inside releases the sperm, allowing for fertilization of a child with only one DNA set)
Physically necessary? Maybe not. Psychologically? FUCK YES. GET IT OUT.
Is it just me, or do Kelly Clarkson and Khloe Kardashian look alike? I thought this was Khloe at first, but that may just be because the Kardashian Klan dominates the tabloids.
The Kendra story in OK - cannot stop reading this as Kendra Talks Took.
That's hogwash to say that men don't see dirt. When we have people coming over, my husband will have a fit if the house isn't spotless and dust-free.
They are actually a real couple. They were interviewed on Ellen not that long ago.
I'm with you. I yell at my tv "YOU DO IT YOU JACKASS, YOU COULD TOTALLY REACH IT WAY EASIER THAN LEE!" Even without the extender!
I feel for Britney. It's super tough being a "regular" mom. I can't imagine being in the public eye constantly, having ass kissers who are only interested in your fame around, and missing out on your kids. Yes, she chose to be famous but she's still a person. She just seems so lonely.
What a terrible reason to have a child, and a good way to make them hate you later. Britney, I will be your friend as long as you dish about JT in the sack. I'm not much of a fan but I grew up white trash and made a better life too - we'd get along. And the tabloids won't get a word out of me about anything.
If at anytime some douche should make unsolicited comments about your body I have the BEST comeback. It's so simple.
It's like all the meanness in Canada is one concentrated nightmare of a person.
You mean repackaging everything that happens in the world through my (very limited) perspective isn't interesting or helpful?
Twitter is proof that most people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions beyond, "when should I not crap myself today?"
And sure enough the Dogs Rights Advocates are out in force because of this video, decrying felinists as dog haters. Blind to dog privilege, they look at this video as some sort of proof that cats are given special treatment. Please, my friends, don't respond. Leave the DRAs in the gray.