
So he didn't actually called them sad, just suggested that spending all of your time on internet forums discussing Twilight is not a good use of time.

Well, yes, but Jezebel isn't Jezebel without the OUTRAGE. And righteous indignation.

I didn't know Kanye had credibility as a designer.

Er, he didn't call the fans fat. He wasn't nice about them but let's not put words in his mouth when you know fat shaming makes people see red. He just basically called them tools.

I was a teenager in the 70s. Think about how this makes ME feel.

I have nothing of value to add to this conversation, but anytime someone mentions Reality Bites, I feel obliged to let you know that I used to live in the apartment where they all lived. Watching a movie in the room it was filmed in=weird.

They do it to get attention from dudes at parties I thought

I think the progression is pretty obvious, it will be a white woman.

A 'b' rating? It could be as gross as 1 mouse poop somewhere not near food. If there were multiple poop sightings, I doubt they would hang on to a b.

Sometimes it's small stuff, like the freezer is one degree too high or staff is eating in the kkitchen.

Right? But I can't imagine why young women today are postponing having children! It must be because they're selfish or lazy, or too busy instafacetweeting, am I right?

So the female is all black, and the male is part black, part white — but upon having to describe him, one would say, generally, "black."

I find this animal to be more like a muskrat crossed with my nightmares. Dat hand!

Word of caution about black fondant.

I KNEW IT! Thank you!!

You know, when I read the article and realized that almost all of the bridesmaids were young girls who were students at her dance studio, I actually thought it was a wonderful idea. What a fun teacher she must be!

My best friend's sister-in-law "Needle Butt" stuck her prissy little nose in the air and said something about long hair past the age of twenty was "tacky" and a sign of looser morals at a birthday party one time. My bestie and I are both over twenty and both of us have long hair. Depending on the weather our long hair

Why do you think yeast infections have spikes, Anna?

Hey, you spelled "Celebration" wrong in that headline.