
OR, Spurs can lose today and then Leicester can walk into the King Power Stadium next weekend with the title bagged and have a celebration from start to finish.

That’s so Spurs-y

Penguins: “We’re here, we’re queer, and America loves us so much they’d watch a five hour nature documentary as long as it’s got us and Morgan Freeman’s soothing voice”

But in this case, the teams are the league. Weed is bad to the teams because the league penalizes players who get caught with the drug in their system, but the teams are the agents establishing and enforcing the drug policy in the first place.

That’s not even the most egregious thing about this...the Ravens were perfectly fine making a double murder suspect a team captain for more than a decade...but WEED?!?!?! No fucking way.

This is great.

That’s a downright stoic response by Italian standards.

....students are upset that one of those names is Benjamin Franklin.

Very talented guy. He was fantastic in “Bridge of Spies.”

*sniff* Shut up, it’s just my allergies!

As a long-time Tottenham supporter, not winning the title is crushing but god damn is it hard to have any hate at all for Leicester City and their supporters. Just an unreal accomplishment. I would be lying if I didn’t say i got choked up watching this video.

I’m just so glad he’s doing this in the same year Mourinho completely shit the bed. Got to feel good given their history.

As a Roma fan, I’ve been loving this for him. Such a great guy, and love that he’s doing this the same season Mourinho gets fired. Mourinho mocked him relentlessly during the 2009-2010 title chase when Roma fell 1 point short of Inter.

Plus, he gave his team a pizza party for winning a match earlier this season.

This is a great video dilly-ding, dilly-dong!

Seriously, John Boehner doesn’t use a bronzer—he doesn’t tan either—he is just saturated with bourbon.

Because there are not many bright lights in the Royal Family and things are otherwise pretty dim.

I mean she has her art history degree from St. Andrews, which is a pretty great university, so I’m assuming her thought process is a bit more complex than “is it pretty.”

That’s a lot of fucking lamps for one room.

Good. If you’re an adult, feel free to be a guinea pig, treat, don’t treat, whatever.