Now playing

Ozzie had that smoothness, that fluidity about his play that always caught the eye. It’s a different style but the same instinct and a similar beauty.

I’ve been fortunate enough to see the Phils win twice in my time and the run from ‘07-’11 was a joy to watch even though they squandered a very good team and a real chance for another title in ‘10.

It was riveting TV, can’t-look-away drama.

Pretty sure that’s wht Darling said last night, Francona was focused on winning this game only. He’ll worry about today’s game today.


Yeah, they can always visit the fucking amusement park, then a quick trip top the fucking zoo and then maybe a tour of the latest hospital bombing because some dipshit on Jezebel said it was OK. You’re comment is even stupider than the original.

Yeah, what an asshole he is for wanting top keep his kids away from an active war zone. As if Angelina fucking Jolie is going to make a whit of difference on whther we drop a bomb on a hospital or not.

Lies down ...


Fuck off, if they aren’t racist power-hungry shitbags they are protecting racist power-hungry shitbags and that makes them whollly complicit and that means every fucking one of them.

Doug Buffone

But those protestors were white, god-fearing land-owning men you silly goose.

There is nothing fucking deep about this issue. Assholes like you immediately claimed that the fucking military is being insulted because they are defending our freedoms which is a bigger load of horseshit than the idea that we live in a fair and just society.

Oh go fuck yourself, you pussy.

From all the comments I have read that about sums up Leicester fans. Last year was the stuff of dreams and they are still floating along. They want to see a CL run because the EPL is simply too deep and too good.

That’s because you’re a fucking idiot.

Speaking of Portugal, by far the smallest of the soccer powers in Europe (10 mill residents), the country is second only to France (66 mill) in the number of players it sends to other countries to play.

I never leave home without mine, strap it to the top of my Camry.

And have it meet the end of the rainbow that comes across his shoulder to meet the pot o’ gold? Perfect!