Found the young idealistic college student who just participated in their first presidential campaign, guys!
Found the young idealistic college student who just participated in their first presidential campaign, guys!
They should have had two penalties.
You mean something like this?
I think it’s because I’m subscribed to more Brit news sites and more football blogs but goddamn the transfer season rumors are absurd.
I switched the feed from FOX to a British call, single man in the booth and it was far easier to listen to.
But they also handled the Nats in DC and they blew two late leads in this past series. If they can find any sort of offense they can keep winning some close games, but the pressure on that pitching staff to literally give up no runs is too much.
Now that’s the best star I’ve ever gotten for being a dumbass. Thanks ‘sniff’ thanks, man.
Lol. I know, I was way off I just threw it out there and with this set up there’s no way to edit so my idiocy remains flopping around in the wind.
I now live in Giants country and have for more than a decade and I have a few friends who never let me forget 2010 when it seemed Howard struck out every time he stepped to the plate with a runner in scoring position.
Yeah it is and I was around for the 80 title and that summer sticks out as a great one in my childhood but the five year run the Phils gave us under Charlie from 07-11 was more fun. I got stuck watching them clinch the series title by myself and spent an hour just calling friends and reminding them that the Phils had…
Thanks, I knew I had screwed that up and overshot the number. Excuse my dumbassery, it’s congenital.
He moves on the field like man who needs a walker. His career was doomed the moment his achilles decided to separate itself from the bone in that playoff loss to the Cards.
I can’t recall the exact stat but I once read that the Phils could go undefeated for like 50 or 75 season and still not reach .500 as a franchise.
You’re more than welcome.
I always shake my head at idiots who use the term “click bait”. As if there is anything else online other than “click bait”. The entire fucking internet wants you to click on the things/articles/pictures they post, that’s the whole fucking idea of the platform in the first fucking place, getting your idiot,…
He’s been a head coach for 20 seasons and is 13 games over .500 with three division titles in that time and he’s 5-6 in the playoffs.
Well, that just means she knows her way around and NFL-caliber backfield.
Just like Amber Heard and now she’s going to no longer be on the payroll. Funny how that works, eh?
Aww, won’t someone please think of the overwhelmingly large percentage of Americans who believe absolute nonsense about a magical sky being watching over us? Won’t someone please think of the children? Because it’s obvious that god couldn’t have given fewer fucks that kid fell into a zoo enclosure.