Then again neither is the myth that surrounds Marie Antoinette. She was nearly a child bride reared in the court of Vienna and married off to that French poofter as part of a treaty. She gets considerably more shame than she ever deserved
Then again neither is the myth that surrounds Marie Antoinette. She was nearly a child bride reared in the court of Vienna and married off to that French poofter as part of a treaty. She gets considerably more shame than she ever deserved
Wow, John Niland, that’s a name that brings back memories.
Yeah, I understood that a balk with no runners was a bal to the batter as well.
And here you are just fucking that chicken.
The man who invented peanut butter did so so that poor Americans could have a cheap and easily accessible way to get protein, vitamins and fiber into their diets.
Yeah, how dare someone point out that Division 1 women’s basketball has become a non-competitive sport due to the dominance of a team that wins by an average of 40 points per game. I mean, he even commented on a SPORTS blog, the dick.
To be fair to Mr. Air, he did give Graig Sager some love during an in-game interview. He even appeared to show real, human emotion.
Damn millenial hispsters.
That’s a nice sentiment and all but it’s still the same God who drowned everybody ‘cept for Noah and his crew and tricked Abraham into almost killing his own son, so nah, that God is still a raging dick.
I thought it was Heywood giving a raspberry at first.
Hugely small stands out.
And Lovren pissed off the Croatia coach, although it’s still unclear how he managed that because the coach’s comments about the incident were fucking nonsensical.
Oh sweet mother of smarmy political scheisse, and he’s also a Dukie.
New fangled dialing machine.
Too funny, because dinner tonight will be mac ‘n’ cheese and left over hocks and collards.
And to think he finished his career with 1,812 points.
You’re an idiot and you’re the type of driver that causes far more uncessary collisions than someone who wants to use the passing lane for what it’s designed for, passing. Face it, you’re just a passive-agressive asshole who thinks that the lane belongs to you and fuck everyone else.
We white folks have been using that excuse for a long, long, time. “He’s old and stuck in his ways and things were different back then” we are told over and over.