

I run into them regularly on reddit. The married MRA/redpillers are the saddest. Women are nothing more than an achievement in a video game — I made lots of money, where’s my hot fuck-person — instead of actual human beings.

Maybe you should read his entire email, it may save you some injuries when you fall off your high horse.

And the logical fallacy gig is always followed by a plaintive cry of “you’re just responding emotionally.”

You’re not

That works on more than one level.

The only thing worse than a Philadephia sports fan is another Philadelphia sports fan. Fuck schmoopi, he’s probably from Upper Darby.

Hahahahahahahaha, I love this online petty outrage and staunch defense of woman who is literally renowned for sucking dick. No one broke into her house stole her video of her sucking dick and the sold it to the highest bidder, she put it out there for the world to see and she rode the fact that she was seen on video

If he does it with any team he does it as an Eagle.

Braian Mitchell filled in one more than one occasion with Washington.

True, but fuck the Mets.

Ahh, I see you’re another shithouse lawyer who just types nonsense into comment boxes. The statute governing “brandishing” which actually doesn’t exist in Florida is easily accessible, you should give it a shot you pig-ignorant dickwhistle.

So you agree that the asshole murdering cop should go to prison for brandishing as well as gunning down an innocent man. Cool.

You know how we know there is one not guilty party here? He’s the one they are going to bury this weekend.

Yeah, because if there is one thing we know about this nation and the relationship between its law enforcement agencies and the killing of black men is that by being reasonable and “waiting for all the facts to come in” means that justice is right around the corner!

These are the same people who in the very comment sections still defend the fucking chirch and all its inherent and active viciousness. Of course they’re going to defend the Child Rapist Protection society, they were taught the fucking church was magical as children and now as adults they still believe in that fucking

I’m with you, my sister (a Philly native) is married to a Chicago native and she and her husband were in Wrigley last night. I was texting with my niece and nephew (they were going ballistically happy as you can expect despite both of them being born and raised in Florida and having been left at home by mom and dad

Yes we do, and we understand them far more than you because they are happening in our back yards. We understand the environmental degradation wrought by massive trespass grows, many of them staffed ny immigrants from Mexico and increasingly Eastern Europe.

If you’re a central valley farmer who grows water-intensive crops then yup, you’re going to be short of water because you are growing in a desert, a fertile desert, but still a desert.

What messy confrontations? The entire focus of local, state, and Federal law enforceent is on identifying and eradicating illgal grows on Federal lands.