Motherfucker should’ve been Gitmo’d two years ago for what we all watched him do with our own eyes. Hopefully this is just breaking the dam and Jack Smith and the state of Georgia bring the flood.
Motherfucker should’ve been Gitmo’d two years ago for what we all watched him do with our own eyes. Hopefully this is just breaking the dam and Jack Smith and the state of Georgia bring the flood.
And randomly taunting women during their little Klan march.
Yep. Way to keep his name in the news. They must be hoping for a full ride to Liberty University or something like that.
Thing is, starting shit is part of the reason Trump supporters wear the hat. They adore victimhood and actively look forward to someone treating them as they really are, so that they can then go on about how ‘thugs’ and ‘leftists’ and ‘snowflakes’ target them and whatnot. They want those 15 mins of fame and the chance…
I’m over twice as old as this little shit. I’ve made it this far in life without being the subject of a national news story. It’s not even something I’ve tried not to do. I just don’t go around starting shit. It’s pretty fucking easy, actually.
Dress up like the Klan, get treated like the Klan, and MAGA hats are just the new white hood.
This whole situation is a mess of “he said, he said, they said, these other guys said, video cut #1 said, video cut #2 said”.
Candace Owens is Meaghan McCain after seeing a picture of Howard University.
If you think that AIPAC was the beginning of the criticism of money in politics then you either have not been paying attention or are being disingenuous as fuck.
Omar isn’t giving him what he wants, the disingenuous bigots who went after her are doing so. She didn’t say anything wrong. IN fact, what she said was damn right especially when talking about the problem of money in American politics. Why the hell should she not point out the problem of money in American politics…
If Trump finds out who did this he’ll invite them to the Oval Office and have hamberders orgy.
Nah, only if it was a white woman. WOC? lolz
Schumer didn’t really have to mention her by name though did he? So no, not really. (It’s a figure of speech do try not to be overly literal here.) Furthermore, Schumer does his own position harm when the only time you suddenly hear that there should be a resolution against antisemitism (which conveniently displaced…
Schumer lumped Rep. Omar in the same category as Donald “There are good people on the other (nazi) side” Trump and Rep. “Jews are buying our elections” McCarthy. That is a problem given that Rep. Omar was discussing the outsized influence (especially for a foreign country) in American politics via money (which is how…
You’re the one who is confused. The charge of antisemiticism is constantly used to attack critics of Israel’s state policies, even when the critics are Jews like myself ... and the treatment of Omar is an excellent example, since she is not antisemitic in the least and nothing that she has said is in fact antisemitic…
Remember, when it’s all white, it’s all right, even with white people from another country that are jewish, even those white people as a majority hates jews in america.
“When someone names only prominent Jews as trying to ‘buy’ or ‘steal’ our elections, we must call it out,” Schumer told the conference.
Another Trump fraudster. Harvard student? No. Fashion model? More like PR placement. Pro skater? Where? Poet? More like bad lyricist - to be charitable. Religious Jew? They really don’t intermarry, so even that doesn’t check out.
If pornography is the new sex education maybe conservatives should not have opposed sex education in schools for so long.