Brown Bear Billy

No. "Are you going to that jawn later?" "Are you going to that shit later?"

Nah because shit is often a negative filler word. Jawn can be negative or positive

Many young yuppie white men and women say it almost ironically. I hear it A LOT in my restaurant.

It all depends on who you hang out with and where in Philly you hang out. You're from the burbs. You're not going to hear it in the burbs. You'll hear it in South philly and west philly. But not in the more posh spotake like center city or nolibs. I hear it all thentime. I say it. I only say it when I can't think of

He doesn't act as much as his brother. The most recent thing he's acted in is Mindy Project with his brother as 2 brothers who run a rival OBGYN in Mindy's building.

This article was posted at midnight.

From one black dude to another I completely disagree. This is exactly the kind of humor you'd find on Def Jam or Comic View. I can see someone like Aisha Tyler making this joke because she too is a tall woman. I thought it was funny. Even with no context.

And penis. His is still held up in customs.

I want Bing Hitler.

CRaig Ferguson says in his book that he's talked to Les Moonvest and he told Ferguson the spot is his.

Is he a part time scientist?


I swear with the direction they were going in that this was going to be the last season. Ann is having her baby and she Rob Lowe are moving. Tom is trying to invest in a big project. I thought Leslie would run for mayor of Pawnee or something. Everything could end so neatly.

I've watched it and it's not that interesting and get's old VERY fast.

Personally, I didn't think it stood out enough to deserve a nom. It's an interesting story but it didn't leave me with anything like the rest of them did. I think Stories we Tell would have worked better as a short doc.

As soon as I started watching the movie I could tell Has Zimmer did the score. It felt like he phoned this one in and started ripping off of himself.

That's like saying I still don't get why they didn't case an actual gay person instead of [straight actor]. Or you could insert almost anything in play of "actual gay person:" web designer, chef, gardener, tall person (jack reacher is supposed to be over 6 foot), black person (As opposed to a half black person). They

CRaig Ferguson has real non scripted conversations with his guest which is why I love him. I hate watching late night and the guests answer the same questions and laugh at the same jokes. Craig will just come out and ask someone if they want to finger his chocolate dollar. Weird example but he's awesome. He's like a

That's Malinky! Does he still do that? He used to put up every single episode. He even got Craig to tweet him saying he approved.

I agree 100%. And on top of that, I love that things that are meant to be a one off keep getting added to the show. Secretariat for example was only there because he was making a "guest" appearance when the movie came out. Here we are some 4 seasons later and he's still here!