Doris Montgomery

Kanye > Bowie

The critics are wrong.

nah its really good.

parks and rec better than nathan? lol

Mac's Banging the Waitress is some other great work by Savage.

because of the implication.

This is an impossible task.

haha yea that was there

why pray for destruction


Stoners gets me everytime

the safehouse shit. shitty family. shitty house.

goo goo ga ga

100% disgree. My most quoted line from the show.

oh weird. Randy is my favorite non Kimmy character. The heroin scene is the funniest scene of the whole first season.

“So if you’re wondering about the shape I’m in/ I hope it ain’t my abdomen you’re referring to.”

You must be Pitchfork.

I moved back in with my parents at 24, worked in retail and smoked a good bit of cigarettes. I remember buying a pack of cigarettes at 3am and aimlessly driving around my childhood neighborhood listening to Funtimes in Babylon on repeat while inhaling a pack of Newports. It was my escape during that confusing point in

"I'll be the one who can't, WOOO!"

The War on Drugs - Red Eyes