
This is incorrect. They are paid what the market pays. If everyone pays fifteen an hour, so does the hotel. But those housekeepers work much harder than any server, and deserve your tips, they have worked much more than some one who drops a plate of food in front of you or keeps your Coke topped off.

You get exactly what you deserve. The people who clean your room typically work harder than you do for considerably less than you make, so your room can be ten times cleaner than your own home. Hotels already pay a wage, but your tips have the capability to enhance the quality of life of people break their backs for

You missed “The Ten Commandments”, a great villain turn. I met him at a an Art Museum when I was eight years old, one of the nicest people I have ever met. He sat and talked to me about his favorite movies, I loved “The Raven” which I had seen it on Superhost (Northeastern Ohio Ch.43). He talked to me like a person,

Grow up and learn some history. Wrong.

Stand up for your rights at the time, no one should be at a polling location denying any one the vote, but you have to stand up for yourself. I feel bad for your situation, that person should have been removed by the site manager. No one should be yelled at by anyone at a polling site.

Please read if you are from Ohio. Everyone gets to vote in Ohio. Please do your best to be registered, have one of the many available forms of ID (including a utility bill in your name), and be in your proper polling location. But even if you have none of these three items you can vote provisionally. Everyone votes,

Save your money until 2021. There is no guarantee Grassley will even be alive, much lees the candidate. He is 84 years old. That and this will not be a football for his opponent in 2022. No one in Iowa is going to be talking about this issue then. Wrong state. Iowa is not New York.

I am no fan of the President, but none of you should want either an application of the 25th or an impeachment. The political perspectives of our country are divisive enough, and rough thirty percent, just as with Clinton, are willing to ride the ship all the way down. I was happy Clinton, the worst President of my

His privilege as a white man. That statement says everything that is wrong with the article, and many of the things you write. Your world is seen though the prism of race, and no other. It is easy to label someone racist. Maybe you should look at other ways to define people, being that you yourself wouldn’t like being

Why is who you fuck relevant for a comic book movie. Do you see yourself as the Black Panther, a female warrior from Wakanda, or some other hero? If you do, and have already crossed the boundary of adolescence, find someone else to attach to. Grow up. There are many opportunities, and more every day, to see portrayals

Pretty cool except it was made by someone who either didn’t go there as an adult or doesn’t know his movies very well. You would never put First Blood next to The Deep. Ha!

Sorry, but you sound like a bitter critic. The only reason I now know Hastings made a comment about critics is because you wrote an article about it. You proved his point and made the suggestion that we all just don’t get it. We do get it and the majority of the viewers liked it. Time to move on and be a little

This is a well written article, even if some of it is a bit of a stretch. It feels a little like you have something to say and are making this particular character fit where you want it to go. Either way, still well written.

Get a roku, the search on it is cross platform.

The minute you added The Last Jedi your list moved from subjective and maybe uninformed (you need to see more movies if you are going to make lists) to just bad. It wasn’t that the acting was bad, no that was the only ok part. Instead there are so many aspects of the movie that are just bad. Poor structure, poor,

What a bunch of hippie dippie over reliance on the education system. Public education is a supplement to my kids education and is there primarily to teach socialization skills. My kids were reading not long after three, simply because I didn’t put the boundaries around them by saying “Oh lets wait for the school to