
Problem is, these companies aren’t trustworthy. They lend themselves to the narrative. Facebook, Google, the rest, all manipulate our data to suit them and have been untruthful so many times in what they are doing or not. Rules may or may not be followed. Who is to say they aren’t picking on conservatives, there’s no

This isn’t a real review of the movie, but a me too commentary on a director you don’t like, followed up by a bunch of sycophants who jump on board.If you don’t like the kind of movies he makes, don’t watch them. If you list something as a review, review it. Was the movie well filmed, were the characters interesting,

First off, I like reading your articles. I find then to lean in a direction that I find racist, close minded, and they sometimes make me angry. But they also challenge me. I like to think of counters to your comments, and when I can’t, which happens on occasion, it gives me something to think on.

It Stains the Sands Red is my favorite low budget zombie flick, great character development, lots of new ideas sprinkled on top of well loved tropes. A movie that too many missed.

While the guy sounds like a nut, the end of your article puts you at a specific place on the spectrum. His own comments make him sound stupid to the average person. Throwing in what the president may or may not do, alluding to half said things or assumptions weakens your own perspective the veracity of your own

It just doesn’t help that the source material is so close in tone to his Fathers work, but not his Father’s best work. Neither King knocks it out of the park on everything, and there are many weaknesses in the book. The depictions of abuse, mixed tonality for Bing, Charlie being a pretty weak villain who gets caught

I went a similar but legal route. Buy the DVDs and put them on your private server. You own the media, you own the device. Invest the money in a synology system, and you can watch your content anywhwere in the world. I buy old dvds by the gross on ebay, which by the way, is the same place you can buy complete seasons

This might be one of the more readable racist rants I’ve come across in a long time. If there is an equal minority version of the Storm whatever web site, this is it. But I was amused by the article just the same. You are a funny racist, so there that.

I agree that petitions aren’t news. The tired defense of a poorly written and directed movie in the distant past is pretty lame too. I do my best to just forget the movie was never made and look forward to the crowd pandering/pleasing next movie. Star Wars has never been as deep as it thought it was, and The last

Be a better “Ally”. What an odd choice for a byline. 

She is under a microscope, but she put herself there. No one deserves death threats, but politics is a contact sport. She needs to think about her choices and learn to lead more and talk less. Half asses, poorly proofed speeches don’t make you a leader.

Not sure why anyone is paying any attention and time on this, I couldn’t bring myself to care enough to finish the article, sorry. So she lied, that’s on her. Before yesterday I didn’t even know the loser was married. So he gets kicked out of Canadian ball and she’s a lier, all very surprising.

It’s unfortunate that you know as little as the Congresswoman. You are good at repeating what you are told without knowing any facts. The majority of AIPAC’s money (13 million, barely in the top fifty), does not go directly to any candidates and funds primarily Democrats. She was given a script to read and questions

This is the very nature of freedom of religion. You are not required to agree with his beliefs, nor is his church required to conform to your beliefs and opinions. The Catholic church, the Muslim religion, Hindu, and Conservative Judaism all reject Homosexuality in all aspects. In other words, the majority of the

So what is holding things up? Democrats, our environmental saviors, control most major cities in the country and two of the most populous states in our country, as they have for more than thirty years. What are they waiting for?

What is a sexual predator? Nothing he did reached the level of a legitimate crime. He made his work place an uncomfortable place to work for his female employees, which is unacceptable. He and many other people need to wake up and learn what is right and what is wrong in the work place in how we treat our employees.

Yet again it’s more “ok “ to be racist towards Jews by African Americans. There is no discussion of the conditions Israelis are forced to live in every day, surrounded by those who wish them harm and do their best at every opportunity. There is no democratically elected government that borders Israel. The Palestinians

Some missing movies: Infinity War was more fun than any of the movies on this list and still had some great acting. Isle of the Dogs was brilliant to watch and the voice acting was the best of the year. You Were Never Really Here was well acted and mildly soul wrenching. Finally, The Endless was overall my favorite

To quote an NPR show I listen to most nights: “The stock market is not the economy and the economy is not the stock market.” We hang our hat on the markets because it is easily quantifiable and reported sixteen times a day. Instead we should be looking at the harder to read indicies, unemployment , long term interest

I automatically questioned the article when you said defense of the Last Jedi. There is no defense for that movie.